Parts of Speech
Capitalization & Complete Sentences
Punctuation & Types Sentences
Getting Ready to Write

Which sentence has every noun in italics?

A. My favorite book is about a boy who gets a scary job

B. The setting of the book is in a fictional world. 

C. The book is called The Giver.

D. The Giver has also been made into a movie.

A. My favorite book is about a boy who gets a scary job.


Which sentence has no capitalization errors?

A. When we went to California, we swam in the pacific ocean. 

B. The last movie I saw was about a space colony on Mars.

C. Jackie threw pieces of bread to the ducks in willow pond. 

D. Last summer, my family took a trip to florida. 

B. The last movie I saw was about a space colony on Mars.


Which sentence has the correct end punctuation?

A. How old are you.

B. Walk in the hallway?

C. Do you like music or art class better.

D. The sun is bright today. 

D. The sun is bright today.


What does the C stand for in R.A.C.E?

Cite the evidence


Which steps in the writing process will likely need to be repeated multiple times? Choose all that apply. 

A. Prewriting

B. Revising

C. Drafting

D. Editing 

B. Revising, C. Drafting, D. Editing


Which sentence has every verb in italics?

A. My favorite book is about a boy who gets a scary job

B. The setting of the book is in a fictional world. 

C. The book’s title is The Giver.

D. The Giver has also been made into a movie.

C. The book's title is The Giver. 


Which sentence has no capitalization errors?

A. I have wanted to go to everglades national park for years. 

B. The park has crocodiles, bears, and panthers!

C. My sister, caroline, saw a manatee! 

D. Our tour guide, james, took us on a boat to see all the cypress trees. 

B. The park has crocodiles, bears, and panthers!


Which sentence has the correct end punctuation?

A. Do not leave until the teacher tells you to.

B. I will wait for you outside the bookstore!

C. Was he wearing a green shirt.

D. We sit quietly during the show?

A. Do not leave until the teacher tells you to. 


Which step of R.A.C.E. is missing in the following answer? 

Air Force One is unique for several reasons. The text says that it has special shields to keep it safe. It has a large kitchen, a special bedroom, and a bathroom for the President. The text also says it has a doctor and nurse on every flight. 

Step E (explain the evidence)


Kylee has followed the steps of the writing process. She just finished typing her final draft. Is she done? 

A. She is done!

B. No, she has to revise and edit then write another draft. 

C. She needs to write it with paper and pencil too.

D. She needs to proofread her final draft. 

D. She needs to proofread her final draft.


Which sentence has every adjective in italics?

A. Kate needs ten buttons for the sweater she is knitting. 

B. The book has 600 pages.

C. There are five kinds of burgers on the menu.

D. The island is one mile away.

D. The island is one mile away.


Which sentence has no capitalization errors?

A. Everyone should meet at scissortail park for a picnic over fall break!

B. “We need to read for three hours every day this week to meet our goal!” said mrs. Flora. 

C. Sam and i got new books from the library the day before break.

D. Uncle Alex and Aunt Ivy will read with me over the break. 

D. Uncle Alex and Aunt Ivy will read with me over the break. 


Label the sentence as Declarative (D), Interrogative (I),  Imperative (IM), or Exclamatory (E) and write the correct end punctuation.

I was so surprised to see Lisa there

D (declarative) 



Is the following R.A.C.E. answer complete? If it isn't, what is missing?

I think students should go to school year-round. The text supports this. This evidence proves students should go to school all year. 

It is incomplete. It never cites evidence (C), it just says the text supports it. The answer should have at least two pieces of evidence.


Alice is writing a story about a camping trip she went on last year with her family. There was a close encounter with a bear! Thankfully, everyone stayed safe. 

What type of writing is Alice working on?

A. Informative

B. Narrative

C. Opinion

B. Narrative


Which sentence has every adverb in italics?

A. The dog gobbled up his food hungrily. 

B. We spoke quietly in the library. 

C. The frog leaped suddenly into the pond. 

D. I will write that report soon.

D. I will write that report soon.


Select the answer option that is a complete sentence. 

A. The bus drove us to the track meet it dropped us off.

B. Do you like the winter do you prefer the summer? 

C. My cat likes sleeping on the couch, but he likes sleeping on my bed more. 

D. All the pens have hens right now one will have a rooster next week.

C. My cat likes sleeping on the couch, but he likes sleeping on my bed more.


Label the sentence as Declarative (D), Interrogative (I),  Imperative (IM), or Exclamatory (E) and write  the correct end punctuation. 

What are you doing next Thursday

I (interrogative)



Write a R.A.C.E. answer for the following question and text. 

How are drones changing the world? 

One of the newest technologies that has been changing the world is drones. Some people like to fly drones as a hobby. Drones with cameras are used to get views of places that we could only see from planes in the past. For instance, the army has used drones in risky war zones without having to put soldiers in danger. Some people are even thinking of ways to use drones for deliveries. In the future, maybe your mail will be delivered from a drone in the sky!

Answers will vary, but every answer must have all steps of R.A.C.E. with at least two pieces of evidence. 


To prove that a piece of writing is a narrative, what elements should it have?

Answers may vary slightly but should include: setting, characters, conflict (problem), solution (solving the problem). 


Which sentence has every adverb in italics?

A. The menu is changed daily.

B. We spoke happily about the trip.

C. The children ran quickly to the finish line. 

D. The dog barked angrily at the cars.

A. The menu changes daily.


Select the answer option that is a complete sentence. 

A. Drove us from school.

B. She is kind.

C. Mrs. Andrews, our neighbor. 

D. All the pens.

B. She is kind.


Label the sentence as Declarative (D), Interrogative (I),  Imperative (IM), or Exclamatory (E) and write the correct end punctuation. 

You must eat most of your dinner before you can have dessert. 

I (imperative)


Write a R.A.C.E. answer for the following question and text. 

Do you think single-gender schools are a good idea? 

Some parents and teachers believe that it is better to put students in schools that are girls-only or boys-only. These schools are called single-gender schools. Many people say that girls learn better when they are with other girls because they have more confidence and are less likely to be embarrassed when speaking up in class. Another positive of single-gender schools is that students may be less likely to be distracted. 

However, there are some downsides. People say that if boys and girls don't interact, they will not develop social skills they will need later in life. 

Answers will vary, but they must have all elements of R.A.C.E. with at least two pieces of evidence.


Informative and opinion writing have many similarities. What elements of opinion writing can help you tell the difference? 

Answers should include: opinion clearly stated in the topic sentence, key ideas support the opinion, opinion is restated in the conclusion.