Spot the Mistakes
Complete the Sentences
Word Clues
Match the Half

Spot ONE mistake.

Mint: Do you use to travel a lot when you were younger?

Nok: Yes, I used to travel with my family every holiday.

Mint: Do (Did) you use to travel a lot when you were younger?


Sam and his family ______ the plane because they arrived at the airport too late.



Explore, hike, camp, trek, kayak, backpack, mountain, river, nature, wild.

adventure holiday


Did you arrive in London yesterday...
a) ...before it started snowing?
b) ...while it is snowing?
c) ...after it starts to snow?

a) ...before it started snowing?


a day when students travel with their classmates and teachers to visit a new place and learn outside the classroom

school trip


Spot TWO mistakes.

Fah: Did you use to climb mountains when you were younger?

Bank: No, I don't use to climb mountains. My family preferred to go snorkeling in the lake because we all enjoyed being in the water.

Bank: No, I don't use (didn't use) to climb mountains. My family preferred to go snorkeling (swim/go swimming) in the lake because we all enjoyed being in the water.


Last summer, we ______ a small hotel near the beach. It was nice because we could hear the ocean at night.

stayed in


Day trip, guide, explore, sightseeing, nature, picnic, adventure, group, journey, destination.



Were you riding your bike...
a) ...while it was raining yesterday?
b) ...when the rain stops?
c) ...after the rain had stopped?

a) ...while it was raining yesterday?


a vacation on a large ship that takes people to different places, often on the ocean or sea, where they can enjoy activities like swimming, eating at restaurants, watching shows, and exploring new destinations during stops at different ports.



Spot THREE mistakes.

Ploy: What type of holidays did you enjoy most when you were younger?

Nam: I love going on an adventure holiday. Once, while we were on a ship, we were sailing around different islands and exploring new places every day. While we were cruising, we were watching the sunset over the ocean, and everyone relaxed on the deck.

Nam: I love(d) going on an adventure holiday. Once, while we were on a ship (cruise), we were sailing around different islands and exploring new places every day. While we were cruising, we were watching the sunset over the ocean, and everyone relaxed (was relaxing) on the deck.


We ______ London late last night. While we ______ the hotel, we saw a group of tourists checking in.

arrived in, were arriving at


Habit, past, change, routine, before, regularly, often, previously, always, frequently.

used to


Choose the BEST answer.

I missed the bus, because...
a) ...I finished my homework late.
b) ...I left the house too late.
c) ...I caught the train late.

b) ...I left the house too late.


a short trip to a city, typically lasting a few days, where people explore landmarks, enjoy local culture, visit museums, and try different foods. It’s a great way to experience the excitement and variety of a city in a limited time.

city break


Spot FOUR mistakes.

Fah: Did you enjoy traveling with your family? What was the most memorable trip you took?

Nok: Yes, I loved traveling with my family. One of the most memorable trips was when we went on an journey to explore the mountains. After that, we decided to take a package holiday, where we were spending time watching the sights and visiting famous landmarks. We even sailed on a ferry to a nearby island, which was an adventure in itself!

Nok: Yes, I loved traveling with my family. One of the most memorable trips was when we went on journey (an expedition) to explore the mountains. After that, we decided to take a package holiday (city break), where we were spending (spent) time watching the sights (seeing the sights) and visiting famous landmarks. We even sailed on a ferry to a nearby island, which was an adventure in itself!


Last summer, we ______ on a ferry to a small island. We ______ the sun set from the deck, and it was beautiful. While we ______ for home, we talked about our favorite parts of the trip.

sailed, watched, were leaving


Was, were, when, while, happened, did, suddenly, interrupted, started, continued.

Past Simple and Past Continuous


Choose the BEST answer.

As the train was leaving...
a) ...I was running to catch it.
b) ...I was reading a book at home.
c) ...I was getting my ticket at the food counter.

a) ...I was running to catch it.


a carefully planned journey undertaken by a group of people, often to a remote or challenging location, with a specific purpose such as exploration, scientific research, or adventure.



Spot FIVE mistakes.

Som: Did you ever go on a school trip when you were younger? What do you have to do to get ready?

Boon: Yes, I went on a few school trips when I was younger. We always had to put enough clothes and make sure we had everything we needed. Once, we got a bus to visit relatives in a nearby city, and it was important to miss the bus. I remember everyone was so excited, and we have a great time during the trip!

Som: Did you ever go on a school trip when you were younger? What do (did) you have to do to get ready?

Boon: Yes, I went on a few school trips when I was younger. We always had to put (pack) enough clothes and make sure we had everything we needed. Once, we got a (travelled/went by) bus to visit relatives in a nearby city, and it was important to miss (catch) the bus. I remember everyone was so excited, and we have (had) a great time during the trip!


Last weekend, we ______ for a drive to the mountains with my parents. When we arrived, we ______ on the beach near the lake to relax. While we ______ a tent, we saw a plane ______ over us.

went, sunbathed, were putting up, flying/flew


Fun, relax, all-inclusive, stay, easy, together, time, away, explore, enjoy.

package holiday


Choose the BEST answer.

He was preparing to...
a) ...board the plane when the announcement was made.
b) breakfast when the flight landed.
c) ...check out of the hotel after arriving.

a) ...board the plane when the announcement was made.


It's all about stepping out of your comfort zone, embracing new challenges, and immersing yourself in nature's beauty and unpredictability. Participants can experience the thrill of pushing their physical and mental boundaries, all while discovering breathtaking landscapes and learning valuable survival skills.

adventure holiday