Factors of life
Do it for the plot...
These terms are lit.
A long journey there
It's a figure of speech.

A factor which is related to elements outside of human control.

What is an environmental factor?


What item motivated Samuel to commit a crime, beginning his journey into the unknown?

His mother's locket.


What is the term for conflict which occurs within a person/character (self vs. self)?

Internal conflict


In what space of the ships were the settlers confined in order to stay out of the way of the sailors and crew? 

The 'tween deck.

Meaning of "to stand on one foot"

To go it alone; to try to do everyone on one's own; to not work with others


Standing on one foot vs. standing on many feet

What is the lesson Captain Smith was trying to teach Samuel?

Also accepted: The importance of working together


What critical choice for the development of the Jamestown site was negatively influenced by President Wingfield's dislike and distrust of Captain Smith? (Hint: Setting up the settlement)

The building of the palisade, or lack thereof. 


A conclusion drawn from information that is available, but is not stated directly/outright. 


Name three factors which impacted the health of the settlers while they were stuck aboard the ships?

The food - described as boring "monotonous and salty"

The air - lack of fresh air, worsened by the smells of human waste and chicken dung

Poor sleep - Men slept two to a bed, the boys slept three to a bed

The water - contamination from the conditions on the ship

Seasickness - men became horribly ill, some being stuck in bed for weeks until they recovered


A figure of speech in which something is described as if it were something else; a comparison made without using "like" or "as".



Tensions among the settlers begin to rise and health rapidly declines after weeks of seasickness, lack of good food, increasing boredom, and being stuck without fresh air. Name the type of factor.

This is a mixed factor, indicated by the involvement of social elements like "tensions" and "boredom", as well as environmental elements such as lack of healthy food, air, and being subjected to constant shifting of the ship on the waves of the ocean. 


What event results in Captain Smith once again insulting the gentlemen, and declaring they are at fault for injuries to the mission's laborers?

Master Wingfield orders that a path be cut to the bathing pools for the gentlemen to use, but the laborers who cut the path are burned and poisoned by the sap of the manchineel tree. 


The speaker or character who is telling the story



The route to the New World took which path?

Leaving England from Blackwall, south until your butter melts to the Canary Islands, then west (right) to Puerto Rico, and finally north to Virginia. 


Meaning of "the words roll off my tongue"

The words are easy to say; naturally flows out without any effort


What environmental factor prolonged the journey from England to the New World?

Bad storms in "the Downs" (English Channel) prevented the fleet from being able to continue their journey for several weeks. 


Make a prediction: Captain Smith suspects that the Native Americans may be gathering information to prepare for an attack, and proposes a way to help the settlers to remain safe. However, President Wingfield opposes the suggestion, leading to a nighttime attack. 

Accurately predict how the settlers may react to this event. 

The settlers will finally build a palisade to protect against future attacks. The settlers may now view the Native Americans as enemies. 


A central message, idea, or concern that is expressed in a literary work



Name the three ships of the Virginia Company's fleet which conducted the transport of settlers and provisions to the New World, and brought back lumber and resources to England for a profit.

The Susan Constant, the Discovery, and the Godspeed


A form of Figurative Language in which a non-human subject is given human qualities or characteristics. 



This ____________ factor resulted in the Chief of the Powhatan tribe viewing the settlers as a threat; after hearing the ______________, the Chief felt he had to act in order to protect his empire. 



Of the many individuals and entities identified as being responsible for the death of James, which one can we predict will be most profoundly influenced by James's death and may experience significant character growth as a result?



The quality of a character

Character trait


How many English settlers (passengers) departed from England toward Virginia, and how many arrived alive in Virginia five months later?

105 departed from Virginia in 1607, upon the three ships in the Virginia Company of London's fleet. 104 settlers arrived in Virginia alive. The 105th settler died from heatstroke while hunting, before the fleet arrived in the New World. 

Unlike a metaphor, this comparison or description between two things uses "like" or "as".
