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It is a travel essential because it helps you find directions, stay in touch with people, and get information quickly.



When traveling on a plane or train, bringing a pair of __________ can help you enjoy music or movies without disturbing others.



When you travel to another country, a travel adapter is important because it allows you to plug in and charge your electronics.



1. When you book your flight, you can choose the aisle seat if you want more legroom.

2. He will choose the aisle seat to rest his head against the wall and sleep better.

3. I chose the aisle seat because it’s easier to get up and walk around.

4. She will choose the aisle seat to have quicker access to the bathroom.

2. He will choose the aisle seat to rest his head against the wall and sleep better. - window seat


It is a travel essential because it keeps your phone and other devices powered so you can use them anytime.

charger or power bank


When camping or exploring at night, having a __________ is important for seeing in the dark and staying safe.



A charger is useful when you travel because it lets you charge your phone or other devices even when you don’t have access to an outlet.

Incorrect - power bank


1. She relies on ear plugs to create a private listening space during noisy bus rides.

2. She always packs ear plugs when she goes to loud concerts.

3. Ear plugs are helpful for getting a good night’s sleep in a noisy hotel.

4.He put in his ear plugs to focus better while studying in the library.

1. She relies on ear plugs to create a private listening space during noisy bus rides. - headphones


This travel phrase means to begin a journey or trip, often with excitement and anticipation for the adventure ahead.

set off


To start your trip, you need to __________ so you have a seat on the plane for your travel dates.

book a flight


When traveling, it’s important to check the pocket guidebook of your destination so you can plan your activities and appointments accurately.

Incorrect - local time


1. I hope we arrive safely at our destination despite the bad weather.

2. She arrived safely after her long flight and was relieved to finally be home.

3. By the time we arrive safely, it will be dark, so we need to drive carefully.

4. They are checking the weather conditions to ensure that they arrive safely for their important meeting.

3. By the time we arrive safely, it will be dark, so we need to drive carefully. - reach their destination


It refers to the action of placing your carry-on bags in the compartment above your seat on an airplane, ensuring they are securely stowed for the duration of the flight.

put your hand luggage in the overhead locker


Before the aircraft departs, passengers should __________ to familiarize themselves with emergency procedures and safety protocols for the flight.

watch the safety demonstration


To fully enjoy your trip and avoid the hustle and bustle of busy attractions, consider visiting lesser-known spots where you can reach your destination and experience a more peaceful environment.

Incorrect - escape the crowds


1. She switched her phone to flight mode as soon as she boarded the aircraft to avoid any interference with the plane’s systems.

2. He will switch his phone to flight mode during the flight to prevent it from disrupting the cabin's Wi-Fi.

3. Some airlines offer Wi-Fi services during the flight, but you still need to switch your phone to flight mode when instructed.

4. She switched her phone to flight mode as soon as she sat down to ensure her own safety during the flight.

4. She switched her phone to flight mode as soon as she sat down to ensure her own safety during the flight. - fastened her seatbelt


It instructs passengers to adjust their seatbacks to a vertical orientation, typically during takeoff and landing, to enhance safety and ensure that aisles remain clear in compliance with aviation regulations.

put your seat in an upright position


To efficiently navigate through unfamiliar terrain while backpacking, it's crucial to __________ using maps, landmarks, and orientation skills to ensure you reach your destinations without confusion.

find your way around


During the final approach of the flight, passengers must put your seat in an upright position by lifting them back into the locked position against the seat in front of them, as required by safety protocols for a safe landing.

Incorrect - fold away their tray table


1. The hotel is conveniently located within easy reach of the city center, making it easy to explore.

2. We will stay at a resort that is within easy reach of several popular tourist attractions.

3. She was relieved to find that the restaurant was within easy reach of her vacation rental.

4. They are planning their trip to ensure that all important sites are within easy reach of their accommodation.

All are correct!