Problem Solving
Deck of Cards
Calculating probabilities

A bag of 10 marbles has 5 green marbles, 3 blue marbles, and 2 yellow marbles.

Find the probability of selecting 2 blue marbles if the first selection is replaced before the next selection is made.

What is 0.09?
There is a 13/52 chance of a person drawing a spade from a normal deck of cards. What is the probability of a person drawing another spade from the deck given that the first card was not put back into the deck (without replacement)?
What is 12/52?
There are 7 pink and 8 blue marbles in a bag. What is the probability of choosing a pink and then a blue marble (with replacement)?
What is 56/225?
The probabilities of every outcome within a set will sum to 1
What is true

A correct interpretation of the statement, “the probability that a fair coin lands heads up is 0.50,” would be which of the following?

(a) To make sure that you get two heads you need to only flip four coins.

(b) In the next two flips of a coin, there will be exactly one head and one tail.

(c) A computer simulation of 100 coin flips would produce exactly 50 heads and 50 tails.

(d) Over a long period of time, there will be equal proportions of heads and tails.

What is choice D or the Law of Large Numbers.

A bag of 10 marbles has 5 green marbles, 3 blue marbles, and 2 yellow marbles.

Find the probability of selecting a green marble followed by a yellow marble if each selection is not replaced.

What is 1/9 or 0.11?
There is a 4/52 chance of drawing a queen from a normal deck of cards. There is a 1/52 chance of drawing a queen of diamonds. What is the probability of drawing a diamond card given that the card drawn was a queen?
What is 1/4?
There are 6 large and 10 small marbles in a bag. What is the probability of choosing a large and then a small marble (with replacement)?
What is 30/128?
The formula for conditional probability is read, "The probability of A given B is equal to the intersection of A and B divided by the probability of B (or what is given)"
What is true?

An assignment of probabilities to events in a sample space must obey which of the following?

(a)    The probabilities must sum to 1 when adding over all outcomes in the sample space.

(b)    The probabilities must obey the addition rule for disjoint event.

(c)    The probabilities must each be a number between 0 and 1, inclusive.

(d)    All of the above.

What is choice D or all of the above?

A bag of 10 marbles has 5 green marbles, 3 blue marbles, and 2 yellow marbles.

Find the probability of selecting all blue marbles if each selection is not replaced.

What is 1/120 ?
There is a 13/52 chance of a person drawing a card of clubs from a normal deck of cards. What is the probability of a person drawing a king given that it is a club?
What is 1/13?
With two bags of half red and white marbles, there is a 50% chance of choosing a red marble from one bag and then a white marble from the second bag. There is a 50% chance of choosing a red marble from the first bag. Given that a white marble is chosen from the second bag, what is the probability that a red marble is chosen from the first bag?
What is 100%?
Two events are not independent if they do not affect one another.
What is false?

The sample space for tossing three fair coins is {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT}. What is the probability of exactly three tails?

(a) 3/8       (b) 1/8     (c)  1       (d) 1/2

What is choice B or 1/8?
The chance of a teacher at Atlantic attending trivia night is .03. The chance of them attending trivia night and leaving early is .005. What is the probability of the teacher leaving early given that they attended trivia night?
What is .17?
There are people playing cards at a party. There is a 10% chance that two people want to shuffle. There is a 75% chance that they both want to shuffle and switch the game. Given that they both want to shuffle, what is the probability that they want to switch the game?
What is 20%?
There are 35 yellow and 17 purple marbles in a bag. What is the probability of choosing a purple and then a yellow marble (with replacement)?
What is 595/2704?
When calculating a conditional probability, whatever is "given" does not need to be accounted for.
What is false?

Two events A and B are mutually exclusive. 

If P (A)  =  0.4 and P (B)  =  0.2, what is P (A or B)?

(a)  0.6       (b)  0.5     (c)  0.8        (d)  0.9
What is choice a or 0.6?
What do we call the collection of all possible outcomes of an experiment?
What is a sample space?
There is a 12/52 chance of a person drawing a face card from a normal deck of cards. What is the probability of a person drawing another face card from the deck given that the first card was not put back into the deck (without replacement)?
What is 11/51?
If there are 26 marbles in a blue bag and 4 marbles in a red bag. In each bag, 3 of them are white and the rest are black. Find the probability of choosing a black marble given that it is chosen from the blue bag.
What is 23/26?
The conditional probability formula is only valid when P(A) is greater than 0.
What is true?

The sample space for tossing three fair coins is


What is the probability of exactly one head?

(a) 3/8       (b) 1/8     (c)  1       (d) 1/2

What is choice (a) or 3/8?