This instrument is used to examine the ears
What is an Otoscope?
A MA notices a patients heart skipped a beat when listening to the apical pulse. What type of examination technique is being used?
What is auscultation?
What is chronological order?
If a patient is anxious during their, this may affect the vital signs in what way?
What is elevate them or make them higher than usual.
What is perfuse sweating?
This red box will often be found in the exam room.
What is a biohazard or sharps container
When an MA is looking for a vein prior to a needle stick what form of examination should the MA use?
What is palpitation and inspection/ observation?
When charting the MA should use these to show the information is the clients own words.
What are quotation marks?
What systolic number is considered stage 2 hypertension?
What is 140 or higher?
The term brady means this
What is slow
What device MUST be used in order to obtain an apical pulse?
What is a stethoscope?
The MA notes at the patients skin color, non-verbal communication and body size. What type of examination is this?
What is observation?
Patient information should ONLY be discussed with members of the team who are actually caring for the patient. What is this concept called?
What is confidentiality?
At what age may you begin to check a patients temperature orally?
What is age 5 and older?
When a patient SPO2 level is 80% this is considered what?
What is Hypoxia?
This device is inserted in the vaginal canal for vaginal inspection.
What is a vaginal speculum?
This type is examination involves the provider tapping on the patient. This is referred to as?
What is percussion?
The concept of charting and documenting only the minimal needed word possible is called this.
What is conciseness?
When obtaining respiration where should the MA's hands/fingers be on he patient?
What is the wrist?
A MA may be tasked with taking a patients blood pressure with them laying down, sitting up and then standing up. This is call what?
what is orthostatic blood pressure
This device is used to determine a patients blood pressure.
What is a sphygmomanometer?
If a MA is assessing a patients ROM. This is referred to as what kind of examination?
What is Manipulation?
When documening the MA should ensure very specific information is provided. This concept is referred to as this.
What is Clarity?
The MA is tasked with taking a patients heat rate. The MA knows the normal range should be this
What is 60-100 beats per minute.
If a patients BMI is over 30, this means they are considered this term.
What is Obese?