La famille
my dad
to get married
se marier
I will work
je travaillerai
I will have
I think that
Je pense que
my mum
ma mere
to get divorced
se divorcer
I will live
j'habiterai / je vivrai
I will be
je serai
There are
Il y a
my parents
mes parents
to get separated
se separer
je me marierai
my ideal partner will be
mon partenaire ideale serait
However (2 words)
your uncle (singular)
ton oncle
to get engaged
se fiancer
we will adopt 2 children
nous adopterons deux enfants
We will not have children
nous n'aurions pas d'enfants
I would say that
je dirais que
his aunt
sa tante
to get a civil partnership in France
se pacser
I will never get divorced
I hope that we will always be happy
J'espere que nous serons toujours contents
I would like to stay single forever