Act I
Act II
Act IV
Act V

How are Leonato and Beatrice related?

Leonato is Beatrice’s uncle.


Who speaks in place of Claudio to Hero? 

Don Pedro


What is the job of Dogberry and Verges? 

They both are watchmen. 


Who does Beatrice ask Benedick to kill?

Beatrice asks Benedick to kill Claudio because of the injustice he did to Hero.

Why do you think Borachio confessed to his crime so quickly? 

Borachio was just trying to help his friend and maybe get a "dance" out of it as well. After learning that Hero "died" he felt extremely guilty. He had no intention for his actions to end in the death of the daughter of the governor. 


Why is Claudio celebrated at the beginning of the play?

Because he is the hero of the war between Don Pedro and Don John. 


When Beatrice announces dinner to Benedick, what is Benedick’s reaction to her comments?

Benedick tries to be all sweet with her and thinks that everything she says has a double meaning. He over analyzes everything she says. 


What does Don John mean when he says to Don Pedro and Claudio that Hero is, “Leonato’s Hero, your Hero, every man’s Hero”?  

Don John means that Hero is unloyal and is sleeping with other men.


Who proposes the scheme to hide Hero and pretend she's dead. 

Friar Francis is the one who suggests that idea. 


What makes Benedick challenging Claudio to a duel so ironic? Do Don Pedro and Claudio understand the real reason behind the challenge, what is that reason? 

Just before the he challenges, Claudio hopes that he will not be challenged again today. Yes, they both understand that Beatrice is influencing Benedick.  


What misinformation does Antonio give to his brother? Where has Antonio received this information?

Antonio tells his brother Leonato that Don Pedro is in love with Hero. Antonio informs Leonato that Don Pedro is the one that will be proposing to. He receives this information from his servant.


Who convinces Claudio that Don Pedro is actually trying to woo Hero for himself. How much convincing does it take?

Don John and Borachio convince Claudio. It barely takes any convincing. Claudio believes them immediately. 


When Leonato says, “Neighbors, you are tedious,” how does Dogberry take this comment? Why does he take it this way? 

Dogberry takes it as a compliment because he is dumb.


When Hero falls down, what is Leonato's reaction? What does he say should happen to Hero? Do you agree or disagree with his reaction, and what would you have done if you Leonato. 

Leonato says they should let Hero die.


Who provides the evidence in front of everyone that Beatrice and Benedick really do love each other? What is this evidence? What happens after this? 

Hero and Claudio bring out love poems that Beatrice and Benedick wrote for each other. This proves to everyone that Beatrice and Benedick secretly love each other. After this, Benedick kisses Beatrice. 

How does Antonio describe Beatrice in the beginning of the play?

Antonio describes Beatrice as shrewish. Shrewish means an ill-tempered lady.


Who comes up with the plan to ruin Hero’s wedding with Claudio. What is the exact plan?

Borachio comes up with the plan. He plans to “dance” with Margaret. Then, Don John will bring Don Pedro and Claudio to the window and they will see a man sleeping with someone who appears to be Hero.


Who is Benedick with when Don John confronts Don Pedro and Claudio. What do you think he is doing with this person? 

He is with Leonato. He is asking for Leonato's permission to marry Beatrice because Leonato is the highest ranking male in her family. 


What does Claudio mean when he refers to Hero as Venus?

He means that Hero is a "sexual animal" and that she sleeps with other men a lot. 


At the end of the play, what reason does Benedick state when withdrawing his challenge to Claudio?

He says that since both of them are about to be family (Claudio is marrying Hero who is a cousin of Beatrice who is marrying Benedick), he does not want to fight.


What is Benedick's response to Claudio when he says he is interested in Hero. Does his relationship status at the end of the play match with this response? 

He says that he "will live a bachelor" (1.1.201). No, at the end of the play he is in a relationship with Beatrice. 


When Benedick is alone in the garden, what does he say to himself? Then, why do you think he hides when Don Pedro, Claudio, and Leonato approach? 

He is surprised that Claudio, who he was supposed to be lifelong bachelors with, has fallen in love. He does not think he will ever fall in love. He hides because he is not ready to face his friends yet. 


Give 2 examples of when Dogberry gives reasons to the watchmen, basically twisting the police job description. 

1. Watchmen need to go to sleep because they are not to make noise 

2. Watchmen should not catch thieves because if they hang out with thieves then they will become thieves. 

3. Since the watchmen are under the prince and obey to him, if people do not obey the watchmen then they do not obey to the prince so those people are not under the watchmen's jurisdiction. 

4. If the drunk people do not listen to the watchmen and do not go home and sleep, the watchmen are supposed to leave them alone. 

5. If children are crying, then they are supposed to wake up the mom of that kid. However, if that mom ignores them, they should let the crying noise wake the mom. 


What makes Beatrice ask Benedick to challenge Claudio? What is Benedick's reaction to this? 

Beatrice asks Benedick because he says he will do anything for her. Benedick agrees but basically says his final goodbye to Beatrice because he knows he will not win that fight. 


What are the 3 things Leonato asks Claudio to do to repay for his sins?  

1.He and Don Pedro should tell the people of Messina that Hero died innocent.

2.He should sing a song from his heart for her.

3.He should marry Antonio’s daughter that is strikingly similar to Hero.