when a movement, such as breathing, is happening on its own
what is automatic movements
an extreme or irrational fear
what is a phobia
when a client sees something they will accomplish by depersonalizing it
what is dissociation
anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame
what are the 6 negative emotions
what is a secondary gain
when a movement, such as breathing, is happening because I am focused on it
what is intentional movement
when the client sees themselves already accomplishing something by personalizing the image
what is association
asking what is the 1st event that when released will release the other pearls
what is how to find the root cause in Time Dynamics
when you think of the past what direction is that?
how you learn how a client stores time
beliefs, values, and strategies
what are 3 chunks in modeling
are automatic movements controllable?
yes bc we are allowing them to happen - we can hold our breathe
chunk up, down, or lateral - to find a specific agreement
what is the master NLP negotiation art
the specific order of external/internal experiences which consistently produce the same outcome
what is a strategy
a limiting belief with a charged negative emotion
what is meant by getaldt in Time Dynamics
the key ingredients in a strategy
map across the SubMods of the misplaced value to be closer to the Value sought
how do you change/move a value
induce a client to open and close eyes repeatedly to induce a deeper trance state
what is fractionation
the SubMod that is the difference that makes the difference
what is a driver?
specific to general & general to specific
what is the difference between inductive and deductive logic
Redefine, reality, and strategy
releasing a Gestalt on the timeline
what is a specific intervention for releasing a negative emotion?
releasing all 6 negative emotions, running allergy model, and associate on timeline and fire off positive nodes
what are the "extra" techniques to use when working with trauma and abuse
check if they are high enough, congruent w/ releasing emotion, make sure it is before 1st event
what are the 3 things to check in the Release Position
what was the first thing that happened when you were starting?
what is a question to ask to elicit a strategy - eye movements is the other
old MOW, loosen MOW, change work, clean-up, and future pace are the 5 steps to
what is the breakthrough formula