This character is the protagonist of the story. The story is revolving around him.
Who is Macbeth?
This story takes place in Europe in which Macbeth is named King of ________.
What is Scotland?
Macbeth was given three prophecies by the witches.
What is Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King of Scotland?
Lady Macbeth gets an idea after reading the letter sent from Macbeth.
What is Lady Macbeth decides that they should kill King Duncan for the throne?
There are three witches and the main one goes by this name.
Who is Hecate?
This character visited the Witches with Macbeth and is unsure about them so far.
Who is Banquo?
King Duncan's two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, fled to two European countries.
Where are England and Ireland?
Macbeth received the title of Thane of Cawdor by doing a specific action.
What is kill a Norwegian soldier for committing treason against Scotland?
Lady Macbeth gets an idea about how they should murder King Duncan.
What is Lady Macbeth decides to get all the guards drunk so Macbeth can kill him with no witnesses and frame the guards as if they did it?
At the beginning of the story, the three witches participate in this act to cast spells.
What is dance in a circle?
This character has two sons that have fled their village because of his murder.
Who is King Duncan?
At the beginning of the story, Macbeth killed a soldier that was from another country in Europe.
Where is Norway?
Macbeth decided to become King of Scotland by committing to this act.
What is kill King Duncan?
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he should go through with the murder and if he doesn't, then in her eyes, he becomes ______.
What is fearful, scared, or cowardly?
The three witches tell Banquo this specific detail that leaves him confused and unconvinced.
What is Banquo is told that he won't be as successful as Macbeth but he will be greater?
This character develops a need for power and pushes Macbeth to murder in order to gain the crown.
Who is Lady Macbeth?
This is the place where King Duncan's murder happened.
Where is Macbeth's castle?
Macbeth used this weapon to kill King Duncan which was then left next to the drunken guards.
What is a dagger?
Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to murder King Duncan but she can't do it herself because of a specific reason.
What is "what if the King looks like my father?"
The three witches tell Macbeth what his three prophecies are going to be but he is still confused without this specific detail.
What is Macbeth was given no plan on how to become Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland?
This character is the one who alerts everyone that King Duncan has been murdered.
Who is Macduff?
The scene starts with the three witches chanting in a circle while this specific weather pattern was happening in the background.
What is thunder and lightning?
Macbeth is a part of King Duncan's bloodline by this specific relation.
What is Macbeth is King Duncan's cousin?
Lady Macbeth faints when she is told that King Duncan has died in the castle. This specific act is ironic in this context.
What is Lady Macbeth acts shocked when she finds out he died but it is ironic because she planned the whole thing with Macbeth?
The three witches are also known by this name.
What are the three weird sisters?