Duncan's title
What is king?
This is the amount of prophecies the witches give Macbeth.
What is two?
Fair is foul, and foul is fair is an example of this literary technique.
What is paradox?
This method of communication is used to tell Lady Macbeth about Macbeth's interaction with the witches.
What is a letter?
Macbeth is gifted this title in Act 1.
What is Thane of Cawdor?
Duncan's eldest son, whom he names heir to the throne.
Who is Malcolm?
How many witches are there?
What is three?
Lady Macbeth and Macbeth plan to frame these people for Duncan's murder.
Who are the guards or attendants?
Lady Macbeth gives Macbeth advice to look like a ______ but be the _______ underneath it. Complete the phrase.
What is flower and serpant?
This is how Macbeth reacts to the witches prophecy.
What is afraid and nervous?
The solider gives this report to Duncan in the beginning of the play.
What is that Macbeth is a worthy fighter?
Banquo describes the witches this way.
What are bearded creatures?
What type of weather follows the witches around?
What is foggy, thunder, rain, bad weather etc. ?
Lady Macbeth tries to accomplish this by saying "unsex me here."
What is to be powerful like a man would be?
In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is already thane of this location.
What is Thane of Glamis?
From whom does Duncan learn that the Thane of Cawdor is a traitor?
Who is Ross?
What type of food is the woman eating that she won't share with the witches?
What are chestnuts?
Macbeth represents this type of hero.
What is a tragic hero?
Lady Macbeth would commit this deed to prove her commitment to murdering King Duncan.
What is dash out the brains of her nursing child?
Macbeth asks the stars to hide their fires for this reason.
What is he doesn't want heaven to see his dark deeds?
This is the name of Duncan's younger son.
What is Donalbain?
This is the final prophecy the witches give to Banquo.
What is "his sons will be king, but that he won't be king?"
This is a line that is only heard by certain characters on stage or only the audience.
What is an aside?
Lady Macbeth says Macbeth's face is a book where men can read strange matters, meaning that he is a bad actor and can't hide his real emotions. What type of literary technique is this?
What is a metaphor?
What are two reasons Macbeth gives for not wanting to kill Duncan?
What are he is his cousin and subject, he is his guest, and that Duncan is a good guy?