These (#)__ people open the Act.
The witches
Which two Scottish noblemen are described as having been especially brave in defending Scotland against the Norwegians and Scottish rebels?
Macbeth and Banquo
What are the three titles the witches greet Macbeth with?
Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King hereafter.
This is how we first get Lady Macbeth's thoughts on the witches' predictions.
Tthe letter from Macbeth
This is Macbeth's main concern with killing Duncan.
What is what others will think of him if anyone finds out (consequences)?
This is the setting of Scene 1.
A dark and stormy heath.
Who was the traitor that Macbeth defeated what does Duncan decide to do with him?
Macdonald, he is executed.
This statement (made by both Macbeth and the Witches) makes it clear that not everything is what it seems.
"Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair"
Lady Macbeth asks evil spirits to do this _________, showing that she feels women are too soft to commit treacherous acts like murder.
"unsex" her
This is the method by which Lady Macbeth will cover their tracks and shift blame.
Poison the guards' wine (frame the guards).
This is the reason Shakespeare opens the play in this way.
To show that the witches control/manipulate everything
What reward does Macbeth receive for his bravery?
He is given the title Thane of Cawdor. The Traitor, Macdonald's title.
What do the witches predict for Banquo?
His descendants will be kings, though he will not be one.
At this stage, this character is more devoted to the act of murdering Duncan.
Lady Macbeth
What is Macbeth's final decision at the end of the scene?
He decides to go through with the murder of Duncan.
These are the witches' familiars.
Graymalkin (cat) and Paddock (toad)
What does this scene reveal about Duncan as a king?
He rewards loyalty but is too trusting.
This is Duncan's tragic flaw.
The King and Lady Macbeth exchange greetings. The King excuses himself for causing “pains,” or difficulties, by coming to stay the night. Lady Macbeth flatters him with praise and respect. This is an example of ________.
This is dramatic irony because the audience knows Lady Macbeth is secretly planning Duncan's murder while she appears respectful and polite to him.
How does Lady Macbeth react when Macbeth expresses doubts about killing Duncan?
She questions his manhood and accuses him of being a coward.
What do the witches say about when they will meet again?
When the battle is lost and won.
What is ironic about King Duncan's decision to make Macbeth the Thane of Cawdor?
Duncan is replacing a traitor with a worse traitor.
This is the announcement that makes Macbeth truly contemplate murder for the first time.
What is Duncan's announcement that Malcom will be his heir?
What does she fear about Macbeth?
That he is too kind to take the throne by force.
This is the Theme of Act 1.
That ambition can lead to immorality and treachery (Power, or the opportunity to have power, corrupts).