Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3 & 4
Scene 5 & 6
Scene 7
These (#)__ people open the Act.
Who are the witches?

This character is described as a brave and loyal soldier who successfully defeats the rebellious Macdonwald in battle, earning high praise from King Duncan.

Who is Macbeth?


This is the curse the witches put on the sea captain in revenge for a slight made by his wife.

What is insomnia/ no sleep?

This is how we first get Lady Macbeth's thoughts on the witches' predictions.
What is her reading the letter to herself?

This is Macbeth's main concern with killing Duncan.

What are the consequences?


This is the setting of Scene 1.

What is a dark and stormy heath/plain or battle field?


The person who betrayed the King of Scotland (Duncan).

Who is the Thane of Cawdor?

This statement (made by both Macbeth and the Witches) makes it clear that not everything is what it seems.
What is "Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair"?
Lady Macbeth asks evil spirits to do this _________, showing that she feels women are too soft to commit treacherous acts like murder.
What is "unsex" her?

This is the method by which Lady Macbeth will cover their tracks and shift blame.

What is getting guards drunk on wine (frame the guards)?


This is the reason Shakespeare opens the play with the witches.

What is to show that the witches control/manipulate everything? To set a dark tone.


This is the enemy they were fighting.

Who are the Norweygan (Macdonwald)?


The predictions made by the three witches to Macbeth and Banquo

What is Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King (Macbeth); Banquo’s descendants will be kings, though Banquo himself will not?

At this stage, this character is more devoted to the act of murdering Duncan.
Who is Lady Macbeth?
These are the three roles/relationships Macbeth gives for not wanting to kill Duncan.
What are subject, host, and kin (cousin)?
These are the witches' familiars.
Who are Graymalkin (cat) and Paddock (toad)?
This is how Macbeth killed one of the rebels.
What is cutting him open from belly button to chin and then decapitating him?
This is Duncan's tragic flaw.
What is trust?
The King and Lady Macbeth exchange greetings. The King excuses himself for causing “pains,” or difficulties, by coming to stay the night. Lady Macbeth flatters him with praise and respect. This is an example of ________.
What is dramatic irony?
This is what Lady Macbeth says she would do if she had so promised to shame Macbeth into keeping his "promise" (to kill Duncan) to her.
What is kill (violently) her own child?
It becomes clear that the witches have control over these.
What are evil spirits?

Duncan praises Macbeth’s valor and will promote Macbeth with a new title. 

What is Thane of Cawdor?

This is the announcement that makes Macbeth truly contemplate murder for the first time.
What is Duncan's announcement that Malcom will be his heir?

Lady Macbeth's strong opinions about her husband. (Name two)

What are weak, not a man, cowardly, lacking courage, and not ruthless?

This is the Theme of Act 1.
What is that ambition can lead to immorality and treachery? (Power, or the opportunity to have power, corrupts).