Banquo’s ghost appears at this event, causing Macbeth to panic.
What is the banquet?
This character begins to feel left out of Macbeth’s plans, saying, “Naught’s had, all’s spent.”
Who is Lady Macbeth?
Macbeth fears Banquo because the witches prophesied that his descendants would become this.
What is kings?
This former friend of Macbeth becomes his next target for murder.
Who is Banquo?
This Scottish noble begins to openly oppose Macbeth, refusing to attend the banquet.
Who is Macduff?
Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost sitting in this place.
What is his seat/throne?
Macbeth tells this nobleman, "There’s blood upon thy face."
Who is the first murderer?
Macbeth hires these people to carry out Banquo’s murder.
Who are the three murderers?
This son of Banquo escapes the assassins’ attack.
Who is Fleance?
Macbeth orders Macduff’s family to be watched after he hears Macduff has gone to this place.
What is England?
Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, is angry that the witches gave Macbeth prophecies without her approval. She calls him this.
What is "a wayward son"?
Macbeth says, "I am in blood stepped in so far," meaning he has reached this point of no return.
What is committing too many crimes to turn back?
Macbeth decides to visit these mysterious figures again for more insight.
Who are the witches?
This character tries to cover for Macbeth’s erratic behavior at the banquet.
Who is Lady Macbeth?
This English king is said to be holy and able to heal the sick.
Who is King Edward?
Hecate plans to make Macbeth overconfident by using this technique.
What is illusion/deception?
Macbeth’s paranoia grows because he believes Banquo has this quality that makes him dangerous.
What is wisdom?
Macbeth says his mind is "full of" this disturbing thing, showing his increasing instability.
What are scorpions?
Macbeth compares Banquo’s royal lineage to this natural object that will continue to grow.
What is a tree?
Lady Macbeth tells the guests that Macbeth has suffered from these since childhood.
What are fits?
The third murderer appears unexpectedly, suggesting Macbeth is growing more this.
What is suspicious/paranoid?
At the banquet, Macbeth toasts to Banquo’s this, not knowing it is already absent.
What is health/life?
Macbeth worries that if Banquo’s descendants take the throne, he will have done this for them.
What is "filed my mind" or "given my soul to the devil"?
Macbeth says, “Blood will have blood,” meaning this idea about violence.
What is "violence leads to more violence"?
Hecate plans to lure Macbeth into a false sense of security by showing him these.
What are visions/apparitions?