Macbeth wrote 154 poems called this.
What is a sonnet
This character delivers the prophecy that Macbeth will become king.
Who is the first witch.
Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband and is immediately filled with this emotion.
What is ambition?
Banquo accompanies Macbeth when they meet the witches in Act I, Scene 3. When the witches prophecy his future, they tell him that his descendants will be this.
Answer: What is kings, but Banquo will not be one himself?
In Act I, Scene 1, the witches speak this phrase, setting the tone for the play’s themes of deception and moral ambiguity.
Answer: What is "Fair is foul, and foul is fair"?
This company, in which Shakespeare was a shareholder, performed his plays at the Globe Theatre.
What is the Lord Chamberlain’s Men (later called the King’s Men)?
Before his encounter with the witches, Macbeth is fighting in a battle against this invading force.
What is Norway
In her soliloquy in Act I, Scene 5, Lady Macbeth calls on the spirits to do this so she could be filled with cruelty.
What is to unsex her
Banquo warns Macbeth about the witches, suggesting that their words might lead to this.
Answer: What is "the evil consequences of being tempted"?
In Act I, Scene 3, the witches predict that Macbeth will become this, though they do not specify how.
Answer: What is the King of Scotland?
Shakespeare's plays were often performed at this famous London theatre, opened in 1599.
What is the Globe Theatre?
Macbeth is named this after his bravery in battle, a title he receives from King Duncan.
What is Thane of Cawdor
Uses this term for the crown
What is the golden round
Banquo’s relationship with Macbeth can be described as one of this, since they fought side by side in battle.
Answer: What is friendship?
In Act I, Scene 7, Macbeth contemplates the consequences of murdering Duncan, and this character persuades him to go through with it.
Answer: Who is Lady Macbeth?
This is the number of plays Shakespeare is believed to have written.
what is 39
Lady Macbeth fears that Macbeth lacks this quality to carry out the murder of Duncan.
What is the "fiend-like" cruelty or the ruthlessness?
After Macbeth expresses doubts about the murder, Lady Macbeth accuses him of being less than this.
What is a man or "a coward"?
Banquo appears suspicious of Macbeth’s intentions after Duncan's death, and he makes this declaration regarding his own loyalty.
Answer: What is "I will not be tempted to your thoughts"?
The term Duncan uses for Macbeth when he assisted in defeating their opposition?
What is Valiant cousin
Shakespeare married this woman in 1582, when he was 18 and she was 26.
Who is Anne Hathaway
Macbeth refers to this as a during his Soliloquy which references the possible guilt he feels prior to even commiting the murder
What is a vision of a dagger?
Lady Macbeth compares this object to Macbeth's face in Act 1 scene 6.
What is a book
Banquo's suspicions about Macbeth grow as he notices Macbeth’s rising ambition and the strange circumstances surrounding Duncan’s murder. He says he would rather do this than follow Macbeth's example.
Answer: What is "remain honorable"?
At the beginning of Act I, the witches plan to meet Macbeth after a battle. They say, "When the hurly-burly’s done, / When the battle’s lost and won." What do they mean by this?
What is that victory and defeat are interconnected, showing the play’s themes of contradiction and fate?
Died and born on this date.
What is What is April 23, 1616?
The phrase Lady Macbeth uses to tell Macbeth to hide his true intentions.
What is “look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t,”
In Act I, Scene 6, Lady Macbeth welcomes King Duncan to her castle with this appearance of hospitality.
What is "fair and noble hostess"?
The name of one of Banquo's sons?
What is Fleance?
In Act I, Scene 3, the witches vanish mysteriously after giving their prophecies to Macbeth and Banquo. This type of supernatural element adds to the tone of the play.
What is ambiguity or mystery?