Macbeth asking, "But Banquo's safe?" is an example of this.
What is verbal irony?
Banquo says this when Macbeth is named king: "I fear thou played most ______ for it"
What is "foully?"
This word means spitefulness or ill-will.
What is malevolence?
Banquo and Fleance are doing this when attacked.
What is riding on horseback in the woods?
Banquo was stabbed in the head these many times.
What is twenty?
After speaking with the murderers, Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth to honor Banquo at his feast, displaying this type of irony.
What is dramatic?
Macbeth says this when he learns that Fleance has escaped:
"There the grown serpent lies; the _______ that's fled in time will venom breed."
What is "worm?"
If something is not able to be dissolved or undone, it is this.
What is indissoluble?
Because Macbeth lacks this, he feels he has a "fruitless crown" and a "barren scepter."
What are children?
They are the "bloody cousins" Macbeth refers to.
Who are Malcolm and Donalbain?
Keeping spies in all of his thane's houses demonstrates this theme.
What is kingship vs. tyranny?
"Thou canst not say I did it"
Who is Macbeth
This is the definition of jocund.
What is cheerful or jovial?
In scene vi, both Lennox and a lord refer to Macbeth as this.
What is a tyrant?
Name one of the animals that Macbeth wishes would approach his rather than Banquo's ghost.
What is a bear, rhinoceros, or a tiger?
Macbeth expects to feel more secure once Banquo is dead, but instead his mind deteriorates further, which is an example of this type of irony.
What is situational?
This character says, "Nought's had, all's spent. Where our desire is got without content."
Who is Lady Macbeth?
Lady Macbeth explains Macbeth's behavior at the feast on a long-standing illness, or this vocab word.
What is infirmity?
At the end of the Act, we learn that Macduff is headed here.
Where is England?
In Act III, this character does not speak in blank verse.
Who is Hecate?
This event is the crisis or turning point of the play.
What is Fleance's escape?
This word can fill both blanks in "what's ______ is ______."
What is "done?"
This vocab word completes the following quote about Banquo: "Tis much he dares; and, to that ______ temper of his mind, he has a wisdom that doth guide his valor to act in safety."
What is dauntless?
According to Hecate, this is mortal's chiefest enemy.
What is overconfidence?
Macbeth is jealous of this character because he "sleeps well."
Who is King Duncan?