Who discovers King Duncan's body?
Why does Lady Macbeth say she could not have killed the King herself?
Who plants the daggers on the guards?
Lady Macbeth
"fair is foul and foul is fair"
The Witches
In Act 1, Scene 3, after speaking with the witches and Banquo, what is the only thing on his mind?
What are the names of King Duncan's sons?
What prophecy do the witches tell Macbeth? (2 things)
1. You will be Thane of Cawdor
2. You will be King
What happens to Lady Macbeth after hearing the news?
she faints
"I go, and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell."
What is the reason why Malcom and Donalbain do not want to stay and speak with the guests in the house after their father's murder?
They believe a lying man can hide his fake sorrows well- they don't trust anyone
What does the porter imagine him being the gatekeeper of?
What prophecy do the witches tell Banquo in regards to kingship?
You will not be king, but your sons will be
What reason does Macbeth give for killing the guards?
He loved Duncan so much that he could not control his emotions.
“We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we’ll not fail.”
Lady Macbeth
Give 3 reasons why Macbeth seems to be going mad right before he kills the King. Be specific as possible !
1. He sees the floating dagger
2. He hears constant knocking
3. He hears people praying
4. He hears people wishing him poor sleep
At the end of Act 2, who is assumed to get the crown and why?
Macbeth, the king's sons look guilty by fleeing
What are the names of 2 of King Duncan's loyal servants?
Macduff and Lennox
It will keep them safer.
The original Thane of Cawdor committed treason and was executed.
Who is the man who delivers all the positive news about Macbeth's war successes to Duncan, that ultimately gets Macbeth his first title?
What does the Porter say are three things that happen to people when they drink?
Red nose, sleep, urine
At the end of Act 2, where does Macduff say he is going?
Back to his home in Fife.
"He did command me to call timely on him. I have almost slipped the hour."
What country does Donalbain flee to?
Donalbain- Ireland
Malcom- England