How are Macbeth and King Duncan related?
They are cousins.
In the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1, Banquo is awake because:
He is having bad dreams about the witches.
How many men does Macbeth first employ for the murder?
What is: Six?
Who says the quote: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair"
The witches
In Act 1, Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches in Scene ___?
What is: Scene 3
Macbeth hallucinates this object before he kills Duncan.
What is: A bloody dagger?
Aside from Banquo, what other royal character is missing from Macbeth’s banquet
Who is: Macduff?
Who does Macbeth say is the "only man in Scotland" he fears?
Who is: Banquo?
"Yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full o' th' milk of human kindness"
Which option is NOT one of the 3 main prophecies given to Macbeth & Banquo?
A) Banquo’s kids will be kings.
B) Macbeth will be king in the future.
C) Macbeth will become Lord of Glamis.
D) Macbeth will become Lord of Cawdor.
C) Macbeth will become Lord of Glamis.
What reason does Lady Macbeth give for not killing Duncan herself?
He looks too much like her father.
Why does Macbeth see the battered ghost of Banquo? What does he challenge him to do?
2) He wants Banquo to fight him to prove that he's a man.
In Act 3, scene 2, Lady Macbeth tries to convince Macbeth that he no longer needs to:
Worry about his enemies
Kill his enemies
Run away from his enemies
Hide from his enemies
Kill his enemies
"Help me please!"
Lady Macbeth
What are the names of King Duncan’s sons?
Malcolm and Donalbain
At the end of Act 2, which characters leave, why do they leave and what TWO locations do they go to?
2) They feared for their lives
3) England & Ireland
What is the name of the leading witch in charge?
Who is: Hecate
Thou has it no king, Cawdor, Glamis, all./ As the weird women promised, and I fear/ Thou played’st most foully for ‘t. Yet it was said/ It should not stand in thy posterity,/ But that myself should be the root and father/ Of many kings.
In Act 1, Scene 7, what argument does Lady Macbeth make to convince Macbeth to kill King Duncan
She says that he is not a man.
What gift does King Duncan send to Lady Macbeth the night before he dies?
What is: A large diamond.
Even though Macbeth says the main target, who is the true real target of the planned murder and why?
"Security is mortals' chiefest enemy,"