He had 6 wives, and executed 2 of them.
Who was Henry VIII? (or 'Who was King Henry?')
The great hero of Scotland after his victorious day!
Who is Macbeth?
They are described this way: "So withered, and so wild in their attire, they look not like th' inhabitants o' th' earth, yet are on't."
Who are the witches?
"Fair is foul and foul is fair."
Who are the witches?
Country in which Macbeth takes place.
What is Scotland?
This queen was Shakespeare's patron and greatest supporter.
Who was Elizabeth I? (or 'Who was Queen Elizabeth?')
The King of Scotland.
Who is Duncan?
He is the Prince of Cumberland.
Who is Malcolm?
"Stars, hide your fires. Let not light see my dark and deep desires."
Who is Macbeth?
The two prophecies the witches give to Macbeth.
What are...
...Thane of Cawdor...
...King hereafter...?
He was the monarch for whom Shakespeare wrote Macbeth (and who also united England and Scotland into the UK).
Who was James I? (or 'Who was King James?')
The Thane of Glamis.
Who is the Macbeth?
This character "died as one who had been studied in his death, to throw away the dearest thing he owed as t'were a trifle."
Who is the Thane of Cawdor?
"What, can the Devil speak true?"
Who is Banquo?
These are two enemy armies Macbeth helps defeat in Act One, Scene Two.
Who are the Scottish (or Irish) rebels and the Norwegians (or Vikings)?
This is the century when 'Macbeth' takes place.
What is the 11th Century?
Saved Malcolm from being captured in battle.
Who is the bloody captain (or sergeant)?
Brings good news to Duncan, and later to Macbeth.
Who is Ross?
"There is no art to find the mind's construction in the face."
Who is Duncan?
Common in Scotland, this is a high, rocky, and desolate plain or field.
What is the 'heath'?
This is the city where 'Macbeth' was first performed.
What is London?
He was "unseamed from the nave to th' chops" and then beheaded.
Who is Macdonwald?
He is the Norwegian king.
Who is Sweno? (name is required!)
"Who was the Thane lives yet, but under heavy judgment bears the life which he deserves to lose."
Who is Angus?
ALL the prophecies the witches give Banquo. (You do not need to direct quote them, but ALL aspects of ALL three must be accounted for!)
What is:
Lesser than Macbeth, and greater.
Not so happy, but much happier.
Thou shall get kings, though thou be none.