Act I
Act II
Act IV
Act V
What moment in Act one foreshadows Macbeth's ambition and his future rise in station?
What is the moment when the witches hail him "Thane of Cawdor"?
Two framed for murder by one. Who?
Who are the servants (groomsman) by Lady Macbeth
The basic meaning of Macbeth's statement that, "blood will have blood."
What is bloodshed leads to more bloodshed?
Macbeth orders their death after his second meeting with the witches.
Who are Macduff's wife and children?
Caithness says of Malcom, "And with him pour we, in our country's purge, each drop of us." Later, Macbeth asks, "what rhubarb, senna, or what purgative drug, would scour these English hence?" Both are presenting Scotland as this.
What is a sickly patient in need of medicine?
The major conflict of the play introduced in Act I
What is Macbeth's internal sruggle between his ambition and his conscience?
The Porter provides us with this type of tension reduction.
What is comic relief?
The emotion Macbeth feels when he realizes that it is, "For Banquo's issue (heirs) have I 'filed (defiled) my mind. (burdened his conscience).
What is angry?
Witchy, contradictory and hard to understand, prophecies given by a severed head, a bloody child and a crowned child should make a person think hard before taking them at face value. Instead the apparition's predictions make Macbeth feel this.
What is confident and safe?
When Macbeth says, Yet I will try the last. Before my body/I throw my warlike shield. Lay on Macduff; and damned be him that first cries, 'hold, enough!'" we know that, though deeply flawed, Macbeth still has these.
What are heroic qualities?
Macbeth's fatal flaw, in his own words.
What is "vaulting ambition"?
Malcolm and Donalbain flee from Scotland to avoid this.
What is being murdered by Macbeth?
By the end of Act three Lennox, among others, see Macbeth as this ungentle type of person.
What is a tyrant?
Neither all true nor all false, Macbeth fails to recognize that the predictions of the witch's and apparitions are this. But Banquo knew.
What is paradoxical half-truths?
When Macbeth is told that he wll see "a moving grove," his mood swings from this, to this.
What is from confidence to despair?
"What," according to King Duncan, "he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath one."
What is the title, Thane of Cawdor?
The outside events that reflect Duncan's murder.
What are natural disturbances such as storm, odd behavior from animals and earthquakes?
When Macbeth says to Banquo's ghost that "Thou canst not say I did it, Never shake thy gory locks at me," we can be fairly certain that this is evidence of this.
What is his growing madness?
When Lady Macduff says, "Our ears do make us traitors," she isn't talking politics, but rather this.
What is the flight of her husband from his home and family.
The person Lady Macbeth is talking to when she says, "wash your hands; put on your nightgown; look not so pale!"
Who is herself?
Near the end of Act I, Macbeth says, "We will proceed no further with this business." What venture is he deciding against?
What is the murder of Duncan? (In order to gain the throne.)
Macbeth kills King Duncan's servants (grooms) for this reason.
What is to keep them from protesting their innocence?
After Macbeth is crowned, Banquo voices this fear and that hope.
What are suspicion that Macbeth killed Duncan to fulfill the witch's prediction and hope that the prophecy made for him will come true too.
Macbeth and Macduff, Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff, Fleance and Macduff's son are all examples of this literary device used to provide dramatic contrast or emphasize tragic flaws.
What is parallelism?
The way that Birnham Wood "come" to Dunsinane.
What is by soldiers disguising themselves with tree branches?