In the beginning, who fights alongside Macbeth in the war between Scotland and Norway?
Who discovers King Duncan's dead body?
Why does Macbeth fear Banquo?
The witches prophecy says that Banquo's sons will rule Scotland.
What are the three apparitions shown to Macbeth by the witches in this act.
Beware of Macduff, Macbeth should fear no man born of a woman, and Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill.
Who kills Macbeth
When Macbeth first encounters the witches, what are the three titles they award him?
Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King of Scotland
What emotion does Macbeth feel but Lady Macbeth doesn't right after their murder?
Where is Macduff gone to at the end of the act?
England to get help from England and Malcolm to take back Scotland from Macbeth's tyranny.
What final vision do the witches show Macbeth?
A line of kings descended from Banquo.
Who is the new King of Scotland?
Who do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan to kill?
King Duncan
What does Macbeth hallucinate before killing the King?
A dagger
What vision does Macbeth see at the banquet?
Banquo's ghost
What does Macbeth call people that believe in the witches?
Foolish and crazy
What is Lady Macbeth doing while sleepwalking, and what does she admit to?
She is trying to wash her hands from the blood (guilt) and reveals that Macbeth killed the king.
Who does Lady Macbeth and Macbeth get drunk in order to blame for killing the king?
The servants
Where does Malcolm flee to in fear of what comes next?
Who does Macbeth hire to kill Banquo and Fleance?
What is Macbeth's plan to do after hearing the witches' prophecy?
Kill Macduff and his family.
What is different about Macduff that proves the prophecy is true about him?
He was not born of a woman because he was born of a C-section.
What gender role does Macbeth play in the beginning of the play?
What mistake does Macbeth make after killing Duncan, which Lady Macbeth later fixes?
He forgets to leave the daggers with the servants.
What went wrong with the attempt to kill Banquo and Fleance?
They killed Banquo but Fleance got away.
How does Macduff react to hearing his wife and children have been killed by Macbeth?
He wants to get revenge on Macbeth and kill him taking back Scotland.
What does Macbeth realize about the witches before he dies?
They tricked him with double meanings.