The opposite of a character, meant to contrast and show differences
Who are Duncans sons?
What is Malcolm and Donalbain
Pick an opponent on the other side. Create a timer for both. Whoever can say "Macduff" the most in a minute steals the points from the other team.
Ball out
How do the witches greet Macbeth after the battle in Act 1?
They give him his prophecy
BONUS They greet him as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and as future King.
When the author makes a reference to something that will happen in the future...
...using weather or supernatural
Pathetic Fallacy
What prophecy is Macbeth told by the witches?
That he will become king of all lands in Scotland and Norway.
BONUS 100: Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and then King of Scotland. His ambition to Norway continues.
Who is Banquos son?
What is Fleance
While the others go to see Macbeth become king, where does Macduff go?
He returns home to Fife
The term for hiding what you say without technically lying is known as
the main events in the story
What title is given to Macbeth for his bravery in the battle during Act 1, Scene 2?
What is the Thane of Cawdor
What shows Macduffs suspicion of Macbeth?
He returns home to Fife instead of seeing Macbeth become king
Who speaks this line?
"Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more:
By Sinel's death I know I am Thane of Glamis;
But how of Cawdor?"
BONUS: who is the speaker talking to and in what act?
Speaks to the witches in Act 1, Scene 3
Besides not trusting her husband, why else does Lady Macbeth manipulate him? (500)
She believes mans ambition is hard to naturally hide
an object, a person, a situation, or an action that has a literal meaning in a story but suggests or represents other meanings.
What is Banquos prophepcy?
Banquo will never be king, but his descendants will be.
Who says the following lines? No bonus for when it was said
Threescore and ten I can remember well,
Within the volume of which time I have seen
Hours dreadful and things strange, but this sore night
Hath trifled former knowings.
The Old Man in Act 2, Scene 4
Besides Macduff, where does everyone go to see Macbeth become king? (300)
a reference to something in the real world that is either religious, spiritual, or mythical
The horses that eat each other, the owl that eats the falcon, and the daytime staying as night, are all truly caused by what?
Macbeth becoming King
What is the biggest insult Lady Macbeth gives to her husband in order to manipulate him?
How is it that I can have children and I'm more than a man than you?
What significance does the porter have?
He is a comic who is making a joke at being woken up at the devils hour, which is funny considering Duncan is killed during that time
What is the name of the traitor Macbeth kills?
Macdonald (400)