What Lady Macbeth must do when Macbeth fails to complete her plan on the evening of Duncan's death.
What is she returns to the scene of the crime and plants the daggers with blood on them?
What Macbeth does to King Duncan's guards who supposedly killed him.
What is he claims that in his great fury he killed them without thinking?
King Duncan's sons
Who are Donalbain and Malcolm?
The three prophecies for Macbeth in Act I.
What is he will be Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and future King.
Where does Macbeth take place?
What is Scotland?
The sin is Lady Macbeth is most guilty of.
What is greed?
He is the only one who can harm Macbeth.
Who is Macduff?
This person escaped a homicide attempt but lost his father in the fight.
Who is Fleance?
What the witches are doing at the beginning of Act IV.
What is they are brewing a spell and waiting for Macbeth?
What is said that frightens Macbeth before he is killed by Macduff?
What is Macduff tells Macbeth that he is not "woman-born," and was ripped from his mother's womb at the untimely moment.
Why Lady Macbeth faints in Act I.
What is having to save her husband from saying too much when Duncan's body is found?
The reason King Duncan visits Inverness, Macbeth's castle.
What is to award Macbeth the title Thane of Cawdor and to congratulate Macbeth over dinner?
Macbeth has them killed in a fit of rage, thinking it will protect his throne.
Who is Macduff's family?
The Queen of the witches.
Who is Hecate?
He believes that fate should take its natural course.
Who is Banquo?
The reason Lady Macbeth cannot murder King Duncan.
What is he looks like her father when he sleeps?
Why Macbeth is not afraid to leave the castle and join the frey at the end of the play.
What is he knows that he can't be killed by a man born of woman?
Who says this about Macbeth?"Yet do I fear nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way"
What is Lady Macbeth
This character says, "Fair is foul, and foul is fair," in which he/she mentions their awareness of the witches' true intentions.
Who is Banquo?
They say "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. Not so happy, yet much happier. Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none".
Who are the Weird Sisters or Witches?
What Macbeth says after hearing of Lady Macbeth's suicide.
What is it was time for her to go because she was suffering too much and then he continued on his path of destruction, showing no emotion?
The title given to Macbeth for bravery in the battle after the previous was found to be a trailer and is beheaded.
What is the Thane of Cawdor?
The role the Doctor plays in the play in Act V (think of the audience).
What is to show the audience how Lady Macbeth is suffering and to hear her confessions while he is trying to diagnose her condition.
What the bloody child represents from the witches' apparitions in Act IV.
What symbolizes that no person woman born can kill Macbeth OR the murder of MacDuff's family (children)?
The motif of sleep represents this.
What are peace, rest, and freedom from suffering?