I am the person the play was written for and about.
Who is King James?
My dad was killed but I got away.
Who is Fleance.
Duncan was killed here.
What is Macbeth's castle.
Why do you dress me in borrowed robes?
Who is Macbeth.
Easily perceived; touchable
What is palpable.
Double, Double, Toil and ________
What is trouble.
Your face, my thane, is a book where men may read strange matters.
Who is Lady Macbeth.
What happened to the first Thane of Glamis?
What is a traitor, who was put to death by Duncan
Duncan and Macbeth are related how?
What are cousins.
I went to Ireland after my dad was killed, and I’m Duncan’s son.
Who is Donalbain.
Duncan’s royal palace was here.
What is Forres.
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
Who is the Witches.
The killing of a king is called ____icide
What is regicide.
In line for the throne after Malcolm.
Who is Donalbain.
Do the witches mean to help Macbeth?
No, but answers will vary.
Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth. Beware Macduff.
What is 1st apparation.
What happens to Lady Macbeth, and how does her husband respond?
She dies and Macbeth is very sad.
Name three setting of Macbeth
Answers will vary