Act I
Act II
Act II
Act IV
Act V
"Nothing in his life/became him like the leaving it."
Malcolm said this; he and his father Duncan are talking about the execution of the Thane of Cawdor and saying that he died like a man with no begging or crying but he didn't live like a true man when he was the Thane Cawdor.
"List'ning their fear. I could not say "Amen"/When they did say "God Bless us"
Macbeth is saying he can’t pray to God anymore and can’t say simple things like the word “amen” because his soul, which makes him a man is now gone.
"Things without all remedy/should be without regard; what ’s done is done."
Lady Macbeth is talking with Macbeth after King Duncan's murder and is saying what happened has happened and that they can't change it
"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
The Three Witches are speaking and adding things into their caludron to make a potion. This is right before Macbeth shows up demanding to know his prophecy as king. They have been instructed to capitalize on his OVERCONFIDENCE.
"Out, out, brief candle.."
Macbeth using a the flame of a candle to symbolize life. He know his end is near and realizes that life is void of meaning.
“Come, you spirits/That tend on moral thoughts, unsex me here,/and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full/of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood./…Come to my woman’s breasts/And take my milk for gall, you murd’ring ministers."
Lady Macbeth said this; she doesn’t want to be a woman and wants the courage of a man to be able to commit and associate herself with a murder of King Duncan.
"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood/cleam from my hand? No, this my hand will rather/the multitudinious sea incarnadine,/making the green one red."
Macbeth is saying that there is no way to wash away the blood which symbolizes his sins because it will always be on his conscience.
"We have scotched the snake, not killed it.
Macbeth is referring to the danger that Banquo and his son present to his rule.
"Through all things foul would wear the brows of grace" Malcolm -This is said when MacDuff comes to ask Malcolm to help him overthrow Macbeth and defeat him -Malcolm is saying he can't trust MacDuff because things that look good can be bad and he can't tell if MacDuff is truely good or in disguise.
Malcolm is saying he can't trust MacDuff because things that look good can be bad and he can't tell if MacDuff is truely good or in disguise. This is said when MacDuff comes to ask Malcolm to help him overthrow Macbeth and defeat him
Macduff calls Macbeth, just before his actions fulfill the witches' prophecies.
“And live a coward in thine own esteem,/letting “I dare not” wait upon I “I would”,/like the poor cat i’ th’ adage?”
This is said by Lady Macbeth when Macbeth is talking himself out of killing Duncan and Lady Macbeth is claiming that Macbeth is a hypocrite and that he should keep his word and decision to stick with the plan of murdering Duncan
"Is this a dagger which i see before me/the handle towards my hand?" Macbeth -Is questioning his senses as he is seeing illusions and a floating dagger leading him towards King Duncan's bedroom.
Macbeth is questioning his senses as he is seeing illusions and a floating dagger leading him towards King Duncan's bedroom.
"Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck,/Till thou applaud the deed."
Macbethis speaking with Lady Macbeth about their unhappiness and that they should try to forget about the murder of Duncan. One can see in this quotation that the relationship has changed between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth because Macbeth is calling her a little bird and she now seems to be at a lower status then him in their household.
"But I must feel it as a man./I cannot but remember such things were/That were most precious to me.
This is said by Macduff after Ross has deliverd the bad news of all of Macduff's family being killed. Malcolm tells Macduff to accept the news as a man and not show him emotions but turn his anger into revenge against Macbeth. Macduff agrees to taking revenge but he believes that a true man has feelings and that he has the right to cry about his loved ones being killed.
"My soul is too charged with the blood of thine already."
Macbeth doesn't want to battle Macduff. He still possesses some shred of humanity but doesn't realize that Macduff was not born of woman.
"That wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false/and yet wouldst wrongly win."
Lady Macbeth is saying that Macbeth doesn't have a core or the ruthlessness to commit a crime. She is saying that he is a holy figure and would never want to actively do something wrong but wouldn't mind if it just happened
"Hid an auger hole, may rush and seize us?/Lets away. Our tears are not yet brewed." Malcolm -He is worried that since his father has just been killed he might be the next to go - He says he will save his tears and emotions of his father's death for another time when he is safe
Malcolm is worried that since his father has just been killed he might be the next to go. He also says that he will save his tears and emotions of his father's death for another time when he is safe.
"O treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!/ Thou mayst revenge-O slave!"
These are Banquo's last words as he is killed by the 3 murderers that Macbeth hired to kill him. Banquo knows that Macbeth is behind all of the murders and tells his son Fleance to run away from all of the madness
"Out, out, damned spot."
This is said when Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking and her conscience is getting to her as she is haunted with the murder of Duncan. Before she said what's done is done but now she is saying it can't be undone and that there is nothing she can do to change what happened. The spot is the figurative blood (GUILT) that she can't wash away.
"More needs she the divine than the physical."
The Doctor realizes he cannot help Lady Macbeth. She needs a priest because she needs to confess and repent for her sins.
“What beast was’t/then/that made you break this enterprise to me?/When you durst do it, then you were a man;/and to be more thatn what you were you would/be so much more the man"
Lady Macbeth is questioning Macbeth's manhood when he is convincing himself to not kill Duncan. She is saying that a real men keeps their promises and word to do something.
"Retire we to the chamber./A little water clears us of this deed./How easy is it, then!" Lady Macbeth -Speaking to Macbeth about how easy it is to murder Duncan and no one will ever have to know about their crime because once they wash their hands all the evidence is gone.
Lady Macbeth is speaking to Macbeth about how easy it is to murder Duncan and no one will ever have to know about their crime because once they wash their hands all the evidence is gone.
"I pray you speak not. He grows worse and worse./Question emerges him. At once, good night./Stand no upon the order of your going,/But go at once." Lady Macbeth -She is dismissing everyone at the banquet because Macbeth is acting crazy and is making himself seem very suspicious. He claims to see Banquo's ghost after he has been murdered and is making a scence in front of all of his dinner guests by talking to no one.
Lady Macbeth is dismissing everyone at the banquet because Macbeth is acting crazy and is making himself seem very suspicious. He claims to see Banquo's ghost after he has been murdered and is making a scence in front of all of his dinner guests by talking to a ghost no one can see except for him.
"I have almost forgot the taste of fears./The time has been my senses would have cooled/To hear a night-shreik, and my fell of hair/Would have at a dismal treatise rouse and stir/As life were in't./I have supped full with horrors/Direness, familar to my slaughterous thoughts,/Cannot at once start me."
This is said by Macbeth after Lady Macbeth screams as she kills herself. He is saying that he has no more emotions and cannot be frightened by a womans scream. He has lost his emotions and human qualities.
TOTALLY RANDOM This was Homer's original role in Macbeth, that is before Marge convinced him to kill Sideshow Mel?
What is the tree?