In Line 54 of scene 3 who is addressed as my noble partner?
A. Macbeth
B. Macduff
C. Banquo
D. Fleance
What are 2 tone words that describe Macbeth's emotional state in Scene 1 lines 31-64?
A. Stressed
B. Calm
C. Paranoia
D. Happy
E. Peaceful
What does Macbeth feel towards Banquo according to lines 53-54?
A. He fears him
B. He thinks he's better than him
C. He doesn't care about him
D. He hates him
Does Macbeth make sure that Macduff dies?
How does Macbeth respond to the news of his wife's death?
A. He mourns
B. He show's no care
C. He isolates himself
D. He takes his anger and sadness out on others
Based on how the witches use the word hail, what is the best definition for it?
A. The weather
B. Praising someone
The voices Macbeth hears after killing Duncan are most likely a manifestation of Macbeth's (finish the sentence)
A. Feelings
B. Conscience
C. Guilt
D. Happiness
Based on Macbeth's soliloquy in lines 47-71 which of the Weird Sister's prophecy seems to haunt Macbeth the most?
A. That he will be king
B. That Banquo will father kings
C. That there was no prophecy
which paradox do the witches suggest to macbeth?
A. while no man born of a woman can harm him, he should still beware Macduff
B. while no man born of woman can harm him, he has nothing to fear because everyone is born of woman.
What does the candle symbolically represent in line 23?
A. peace
B. light in darkness
C. calmness
Who says this quote? "Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it."
A. Macbeth
B. Lady Macbeth
C. The witches
D. Macduff
What message does Macbeth make the servant give to Lady Macbeth?
A. That he is headed home
B. That he has been told a prophecy that he will be king
C. That he has bad news
D. That he has won the war
What is ironic about Macbeth's relationship with Banquo?
A. while they appear to be friends, Macbeth secretly plots to murder Banquo out of fear and ambition
B. They are best friends and always get along and respect each other
C. They never got along and Macbeth always hated Banquo
which extraneous line does not provide macbeth with information that he feels is useful?
A. Seek to know no more
B. No man born of woman can harm you
C. He will lose the war when Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane
According to lines 1-7 of Act 5, Macbeth suggests that the primary reason for his opponent's military success is
A. Betrayal and desertion of his own men
B. He has his mens loyalty
C. his men don't care about anything and follow blindly
Based on lines 44-47 of Macbeth, "harbinger" is best defined as?
A. A forerunner
B. Someone who delivers a message
according to macbeth which of the following is the chief nourisher in life's feast
A. Food
B. Peace
C. Sleep
which objects are used as a symbol of macbeths successors
A. Blood: Represents guilt, murder, and evil
B. Blood: Represents happiness, brightness, and peace
C. Blood: Represents anger, loss, and revenge
Who says this quote? "Double, double toil and trouble;/ Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
A. Macbeth
B. Lady Macbeth
C. Witch 3
D. All the witches
what is a statement of theme supported by Macbeth's speech from lines 17-28 in act 5?
A. life is meaningless and futile, with no inherent purpose or value
B. Life has value and is full of purpose
C. Life is ignorant and stupid and there is no point to life.
The most accurate way to restate Duncan's meaning in lines 37-39 of Macbeth is?
A. We are making Malcom heir to the throne making him the prince of Cumberland
B. We are making Macbeth heir to the throne making him the prince of Cumberland.
Who says this quote? That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold;/ What hath quench'd them hath given me fire.
A. Macbeth
B. Banquo
C. Lady Macbeth
Who says this quote? Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, till thou applaud the deed
A. Macbeth
B. Lady Macbeth
C. The Murderers
D. The Witches
Who says this quote? Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn / The power of man, for none of woman born / Shall harm Macbeth
A. The witches
B. Lady Macbeth
C. Macbeth
who says this quote? Here's the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand
A. Macbeth
B. Malcom
C. Lady Macbeth
D. The witches