How many witches are there
What does Macbeth forget to do after he kills Duncan?
hide the daggers in the servant's beds
How many murderers are there?
What is the first apparition
Beware of Macduff, thane of fife
What does Macbeth do to siwards son
Kills him and reassures himself that no man born of a woman can kill him
What is Duncan's role?
What weapon does Macbeth use to kill Duncan?
What is revealed about Malcom at the end of the act?
He is in England preparing an army to take over Scotland and save it from Macbeth
What is the second apparition
Don't fear any man born of a woman
How does Birnham forest come to Dunsinane?
The soldiers cover themselves with leaves and branches as a disguise
What is Macbeth's royal title in the beginning of the play
What is thane of glamis
What does Lady Macbeth do in response to Macbeth forgetting to hide the daggers?
Goes and kills the servants, she also hides the daggers in their beds.
What happens at the Macbeth's feast?
Banquo's ghost shows up and terrorizes Macbeth
What is the third apparition
Have nothing to fear until birnham forest comes to Dunsinane castle
What did Lady Macbeth do to herself as discovered in the middle of the act
What is Lady Macbeth's initial role in the murder of the king?
she convinces Macbeth to go along with it, she features more masculine tendencies than Macbeth.
What does Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth to do to make himself calm again
A little water clears us of the deed
How does Macbeth convince the murderers to kill Macbeth
By questioning their manhood and highlighting the personal offenses that Banquo had done on them
What happens to Macduff's family
Macbeth kills them because he is mad at Macduff
What does Macduff reveal to Macbeth before they fight?
That he was born through a C-Section so he's not "born of a woman". This means that he can hurt Macbeth
What is the plan to kill Duncan?
Make him very drunk, put him to bed, kill it in his sleep, blame it on the servants.
What does "My hands are of your colour, but I shame to wear a heart so white" mean in context?
That she also participated in the murder, but she would never be such a coward as him.
What happens when the murdered try to kill Banquo
Banquo is killed, but his son Fleance escapes
What does Malcom do to Macduff in England when he arrives
He tests his loyalty to Scotland with a bunch of false statements making himself seem like a terrible leader
What does Macduff do at the end
Walks out carrying Macbeths head.