The number of witches in Macbeth.
What is 3?
The person that Macbeth murdered.
Who is King Duncan?
The murdered one.
Who is Banquo?
The medium that the witches use to show prophecies to Macbeth.
What are the three apparitions?
The murdered one.
Who is Macbeth?
A key, important idea stated by the witches that occurs throughout the play.
What is "Fair is foul, foul is fair"?
The blamed people for the undoing of King Duncan, and the method of doing so.
The reason behind Macbeth's fears of the murdered one.
What is the fear of being found out by Banquo / his intelligence?
The three prophecies that the witches give to Macbeth.
What is a) beware Macduff, b) none of woman born shall harm Macbeth, c) Macbeth shouldn't fear until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill.
How Birnam Wood moved to Dunsiname Hill.
What is camouflage with leaves and branches?
The king of Scotland as of Act 1.
Who is King Duncan?
These two sons of King Duncan flee after his death. This makes the two look very guilty.
Who is Malcolm and Donalbain?
The method of how the murdered one ruined Macbeth, and where.
What is haunting at the feast?
The murdered few.
Who is Lady Macduff and her son?
The method of Macduff's birth.
What is a C-Section?
The first of three titles the witches give to Macbeth.
What is Thane of Cawdor?
The final hallucination that officially sets the unsure Macbeth to kill King Duncan.
What is the ringing of a knell/funeral bell?
The escapee of the murdering, who is never brought up again.
Who is Fleance?
The method of how Malcolm tests Macduff's loyalty to Scotland.
What is pretending to be bad?
The king of Scotland as of Act 5.
Who is Malcolm?
A Thane.
Who is a man who held land granted by the king or by a military nobleman, ranking between an ordinary freeman and a hereditary noble?
The place where King Duncan's body is laid.
Where is Colmekill?
The amount of murderers.
The amount of ghostly kings that look like Banquo in the witches' prophecy.
What is 8?
The period of time Lady Macbeth goes insane about washing her hands.
What is a quarter of an hour?