Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5
Which characters are introduced in the beginning of the play, act 1 scene 1?
The three witches
King Duncan trusts Macbeth greatly, where does Duncan visit that eventually leads to his death?
Macbeth’s house
In act 3 scene 3 __________ dies and __________ escapes.
Banquo, Fleance
After Macbeth views the three apparitions Macbeth feels? (Emotion)
Who in the end of the play slays Macbeth?
In the battle the captain describes where Macbeth and Banquo fought which nation do they drive off?
Which two characters at the end of act 2 scene 3 escaped out of Scotland?
Malcolm and Donalbain
Why does Macbeth act in such a strange way in the dinner scene?
Macbeth saw Banquo’s ghost sitting in his chair.
At the end of the apparitions what does Macbeth see?
8 kings and the ghost of Banquo at the end
Who inherits the throne when Macbeth is slain?
What do the witches predict about Macbeth and Banquo?
-Macbeth will be the Thane of Cawdor -Macbeth will be the future King -Banquo’s descendants will be kings while he will not be one. (Don’t include Thane of Glamis because he already has that title)
What are the three things the porter says drinking provokes?
It puts you to sleep, makes your nose red, and also makes you urinate.
What did Lady Macbeth say to explain her husband’s strange behavior?
Lady Macbeth says that this was the result of an illness that has plagued him since youth.
Name the three apparitions that the witches show Macbeth.
-An armed head -A bloody child -A child crowned with a tree in his hand
Who kills Lady Macbeth and why?
Lady Macbeth killed herself and she did this because she couldn’t live with the guilt of the murder.
What reasons does Macbeth gives that the murder of King Duncan is wrong? (At least three reasons)
- Macbeth believes committing violent crimes will only teach other people to commit violence. - Macbeth believes he is his kinsman and his subject, so he should protect him rather than kill him. - Macbeth believes he is his host so he should protect the guest, rather than try to harm him. - Macbeth believes King Duncan was such a great king that if he was murdered the peasants would be mournful.
What did Macbeth see and talked to in act 2 scene 1 lines 44-47 before the murder of King Duncan and what literary element was used?
Macbeth had an apparition of a bloody dagger in front of him, and the literary element was personification because Macbeth was talking to the dagger as if it was a person.
What does Banquo begin to suspect about Macbeth?
Banquo begins to suspect that Macbeth killed King Duncan.
Who murders Macduff’s family and why?
Macbeth hired murderers to kill Macduff’s family because he is obsessed on eliminating anyone that threatens his power, also the murderers first seek to murder Macduff but since Macduff has fled the murderers kill his whole family instead to show that they don’t fear him.
When Macbeth says the “tomorrow and tomorrow” line in scene 5 what does he mean?
Macbeth is trying to say there is not much reason to go on living.
In act 1 scene 5, lines 47-50 Lady Macbeth states, “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood. Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse.” What does she mean by this and why does she say this?
Lady Macbeth means that she wants the spirits to make her less of a woman and more like a man. Also she wants the spirits to fill herself with cruelty so that she will show no human compassion while performing the deed. Lady Macbeth says this because she believes her female like characteristics are in the way of her planning to kill King Duncan.
In act 2 scene 3 Lenox says to Macbeth in lines 61-69 of how last night’s weather was very rough, what kind of literary element was used here and what kind of tone was further described here? (Two part question)
The literary element that was used was imagery; Shakespeare used bad weather to hint to the characters that something bad happened last night. Also Lennox described the horrible weather last night to further describe the dark and unpleasant tone.
In the earlier part of the novel Lady Macbeth was seen as the evil one persuading Macbeth to do many evil things, however now Macbeth has hired and persuaded the murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance. What drove Macbeth to the point where he has to kill them without Lady Macbeth persuading him? (What did the witches say?)
The witch’s prophecies stated that Macbeth will be king but they also said that Banqou’s sons will be kings too; however Macbeth is skeptical on why his sons won’t be kings. Macbeth has realized that by killing King Duncan he has made it possible for Banquo’s descendants to inherit the throne. However Macbeth has become ruthless to stop this from happening by hiring murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance.
What kind of message does the first, second, and third apparition conceives?
The first apparition conceives that Macbeth has to beware Macduff because he is coming back to Scotland to ruin him. The second apparition conceives that no man born of woman can possibly harm him. The third apparition conceives that Macbeth shall never fall until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.
When the witches show Macbeth three apparitions one of them say, “Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him.” However in the end of the movie no tree has moved but Macbeth has still died. How did the trees moved to the castle and in what form does it represent?
The real trees never moved however because of Macduff’s army using tree branches as camouflage, the effect looked like the trees were actually moving.