Who is king when the play starts?
What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan?
He sees a dagger
What does Macbeth hire three men to do?
Kill Banquo and Fleance
What kind of man can kill Macbeth?
None of woman born!!
What armies join forces against Macbeth?
The Scottish and the English
Who is the heir to Duncan`s throne?
Why is the character of the porter included?
For a comedic interlude (a funny break from all the blood and murder)
Why is Fleance escape from the murderers such a big thing for Macbeth?
What does Macbeth do when hears that Macduff has fled to England?
He orders the murder of Macduff`s family
What does Lady Macbeth obsess over as she goes mad?
Blood she cannot wash off her hands....ironic right?
Which title, predicted by the witches, does Macbeth receive?
Thane of Cawdor
Why do Malcolm and Donaldbain run away?
They fear that they might be murdered next
Who does Macbeth see at the banquet that no one else can?
The ghost of Banquo
How many apparitions do the witches show Macbeth?
Four - the armored head, the bloody child, the born with crown and branch AND the line of kings the last holding a mirror...remember that one?
How is Macduff not of woman born?
He was born by cesarean section
What does Lady Macbeth think Macbeth lacks?
The manliness to follow through on his ambitions
How does Lady Macbeth react to the news of Duncan`s murder?
She pretends to faint
How does Macbeth feel about Banquo?
He respects him but he fears his children will become king and thus make his crown "fruitless"
Macbeth cannot be vanquished until Great Birnam Wood move to......
Dunsinane Hill, Dunsinane, you can have the points for Macbeth`s castle too!
How does Birnam Wood come to Dunsinane?
The advancing army cuts it down to use as camouflage as they advance on Macbeth`s castle.
What is Lady Macbeth`s plan for the murder of Duncan?
Macbeth will kill him while he sleeps and then plant evidence on the servants
What does Macbeth hear a voice saying?
That he murdered sleep
What was the last thing Banquo said before he was attacked?
"It's going to rain tonight"
How does Malcolm test Macduff?
He says he is worse than Macbeth
Who does Macbeth kill before the fight with Macduff?
Lord Siward`s son.....tricky one