I Put a Spell on
Scottish Things
Stage Parts
The Letter "C"

Who is he? He wields Glamdring along with his staff in Lord of the Rings.

Who is Gandolf.


When there's something strange in the neighbourhood - who ya gonna' call?

What is Ghostbusters!


This is a knee-length skirt with deep pleats, usually of tartan wool, worn as part of the dress for men, women and children in the Scottish Highlands.

What is a kilt.


This is an immobile platform above the stage that reaches from one end of the stage to the other.

What is the catwalk.


Macbeth is given this title by Duncan after this thane is hanged.

What is Thane of Cawdor.


Who is she? She promises Pinocchio that she'll turn him into a "real" boy if he proves himself worthy.

Who is the Blue Fairy.


Who is the second ghost to visit Scrooge?

Who is the Ghost of Christmas Past.


This is a small farm, especially a tenant farm; a small enclosed field or pasture near a house. [hint: The film, The Tomb Raider's character has part of the answer in her name.]

What is a croft.


This is the extension of the stage that projects outward into the auditorium. (hint: the cook wears this in the kitchen)

What is the apron.


The witches put lizard's leg, toads, wool of bat and tongues of dogs into this and boil up a brew.

What is a cauldron.


Who is they? These two magicians are often found in Las Vegas. One's big and does all the talking; the other is short, silent and does all the work.

Who are Penn and Teller.


Who is the third ghost to visit Scrooge?

Who is the Ghost of Christmas Present.


This is a weedy plant having prickly leaves and various coloured flower heads surrounded by prickly bracts. It is also the national emblem of Scotland.

What is Scotch Thistle.


This is a day or night when there is no performance.

What is Dark Theatre.


Macbeth and Duncan are related this way.

What are cousins.


Who is he? This man, who was born in 1874 in Wisconsin; was a magician who had the amazing ability of freeing himself from locks, cages, and straight jackets.

Who is Houdini.


This ghost haunts the city of Sleepy Hollow in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Who is it?

Who is the Headless Horseman.


This is a knitting pattern of varicoloured, diamond-shaped areas on a solid background; patterned after the tartan of a clan in western Scotland.

What is argyle.


This is to improvise lines or speeches that are part of a script.

What is to adlib.


Malcolm is given this title from his father.

What is the Prince of Cumberland.


What was it? There wasn't really a witch in this crazy movie but people were frightened by things they couldn't see when a group of campers head into the woods.

What is the Blair Witch Project.


Name the film. Bloodthirsty vampires are ready to take advantage of the uninterrupted darkness to feed on the residents remaining in the small town of Barrow Alaska. Stars Josh Harnett.

What is 30 Days of Night.


This is a breed of dog, having a heavy-set body, short legs, a long head with small erect ears, and a hard wiry coat.

What is a Scotch Terrier.


What is the final line in the play called?

What is curtain line.


The sergeant reports how heroic Macbeth was in battle and describes how he "unseam'd him from the nave (navel) to the ___________"

What is chaps (jaw).