What is Macie’s favorite food?
What is McDonald’s
What book series first got macie obsessed with reading?
What is “Percy Jackson and the Olympian’s”
What Movie does Macie never want to watch (hint: we had to watch it in theatre class)
What is Shrek
Who is the absoulute one and only love of Macie’s life (from marvel films)
Who is bucky barnes
Who was Macie’s top artist of 2024?
Who is Madilyn Mei
What snack does macie like to make her friends?
What are cookies
What hobby did macie randomly pick up in the beginning of ninth grade?
What is crocheting/punch needling
Who is Macie’s favorite character from stranger things?
Who is Eddie Munson
Who is this emo, depressed, total diva that Macie has been obsessed with since 7th grade?
who is Nico Di Angelo
Who sang Macie’s favorite song of 8th grade? (bonus points if you can guess the song)
Who is Taylor swift
What is Macie’s favorite food that her mom cooks at home?
What is meatloaf
What is Macie’s favorite book series she has ever read?
What is “Hero’s of Olympus” by Rick riorden
What movie was macie obsessed with watching for like 3 months of 8th grade?
What is “the black phone”
Who is Jim Hawkins
Who does macie listen to when she’s angry? (Two possible answers)
Who is Mother Mother or Penelope Scott
What is Macie’s favorite food to eat with family?
What is Yamatos(Japanese food)
What is the hobby/sport that macie has always wanted to learn?
What is Ice skating
What is Macie’s favorite movie of all time?
What is The Princess Twins of Legendale
Who is Macie favorite character from big hero six?
Who is Go-Go Tomago (Leiko Tanaka)
What was Macie’s favorite childhood girl singing group?
Who were the Hashchak sisters
What is Macie’s favorite type of cake pop?
What is a strawberry cake pop
What is Macie’s absolute favorite decoration that she has in her room?
What is a glow in the dark solar system
What is Macie’s favorite anime (that she hasn’t watched yet but it’s still her favorite)
What is Angels of Death
If Macie could be one person in the whole Percy Jackson universe, who would she be?
Who is hazel Levesque
What is Macie’s main playlist on Spotify called?
What is “POV: you love Nico di angelo”