How many months have we lived in our new house
What is 11
What is the biggest country in Africa
What are used to laminate streets at night
What are streetlights
How many Donald’s have there been in the Mackay family
What is 5
What math class am I currently taking
What is trigonometry
How do you find the hypotenuse of a right triangle
What is Pythagorean theorem
Name 2 countries that borders Morocco
What is Spain, Western Sahara, Algeria
in the hit movie inside out what are the characters portraying
What are emotion
In what city did Kristi and Jeff own their first home in that is not McMinnville
What is tualitin
how many teeth am I missing
What is 7
What is the total age of our family
What is 147
What country in Africa is known for liking to move it move it
What is Madagascar
What is the liquid that woman will spray on themselves to smell better
What is perfume
we had a goat that died. Name that goat
Who was tiny
If I were to get a tattoo. What would that tattoo be
What is 2 lightning bolts
What is 13x25
What is 325
There are 2 countries in Africa that share a border and part of a name. What is that part of the name
What is Congo
What are the objects used in the popular game Yahtzee
What are dice
How long have Ginger and Carl been married
What is 15
How many months have I been with KK
What is 10 months
What is my favorite math equation
What is 6x7
What African country was formed in 2010
What is South Sudan
This hit country song by Jason Aldean released in 2012
What is Night Train
What are the states containing siblings of Jeff Mackay( including himself)
What is Oregon, Colorado, New Jersey, and Texas
What is my favorite class of all time
What is 2023-24 Asb