Reviewing the Literature
Types of Research Designs
Conveying the Intent of a Study
Sampling Strategies
Descriptive Statistics Measures
In this research design, you use the literature to introduce the study, describe related literature in a separate section, or compare extant literature with findings.
What is quantitative
In this research design, investigators measure the degree of association between two or more variables.
What is correlational
A statement that advances the overall direction or focus of the study
What is purpose statement
Selection so than any individual has an equal chance of being selected from the populatio
What is simple random sampling
A measure of central tendency calculated by arranging all the scores in rank order then finding the score halfway between all the scores.
What is median
In this type of study, you use the literature deductively as a basis for advancing research questions or hypotheses.
What is quantitative research.
In this research design, investigators seek to describe trends in attitudes or behaviors of a large population.
What is survey design
These raise questions to be answered
What is a research question
The researcher chooses every nth individual until they research the desired sample size
What is systematic sampling
A measure of central tendency calculated by totaling all the scores and dividing that sum by the number of scores.
What is mean
In this type of study, you use the literature sparingly in the beginning to convey an inductive design.
What is qualitative
In this design, researchers seek to examine a shared cultural group's behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs over a period of time.
What is ethnographic research design
These are based on past research or literature and convey our predictions about expectations for the study.
What are hypotheses
Researchers divide the population based on a characteristic then used random sampling.
What is stratified sampling
A measure of central tendency, this measure calculates the most frequently reported score.
What is mode.
In this research design, you use the literature in a way that is consistent with the major strategy utilized and the approach.
What is mixed-methods
In this design, researchers seek to explain a process, action, or interaction among people.
What is grounded theory design
These state our goals for the study to accomplish.
What is research objectives
The researcher selects participants because they are available and willing to be studied.
What is convenience sampling
A measurement of variability, this number indicates the dispersion of scores around the mean.
What is variance
The role of the literature review in this type of study differs in that the study is exploratory and not much has been written about the topic or the population being studied.
What is qualitative
In this design, qualitative and quantitative data is collected.
What is mixed-methods design
True or False: Hypotheses are "educated guesses"
What is FALSE
The researcher asks other participants to invite members of the sample.
What is snowballing sampling
A measurement of variability, this number is calculated by taking the square root of the variance.
What is standard deviation