Nucleic Acids
How are macromolecules built? How are they broken down?
Dehydration synthesis, Hydrolisis
What is a specific reactant of an enzyme called?
A substrate
What is formed by Fatty Acids? Hydrocarbon Rings?
Fats, Sterols
How are disaccharides bonded?
Dehydration synthesis
How is the idea that pyramids are pointy and can CUT you relevant to nucleic acids?
The acronym C.U.T. stands for the three pyrimidines that help build nucleotides
What are the enzymes that break molecules called and what are the enzymes that build molecules called
Catabolic (break) Anabolic (build)
What are the enzymes that break bonds? The ones that build bonds?
Catabolic, Anabolic
To lipids bond with water?
No, they are hydrophobic and therefore try to minimize interaction between water.
What are two examples of polysaccharides?
Glycogen, Cellulose, Starch
What can be complementary to Adenine?
Thymine and Uracil
What is the main component of natural gasses?
How is an active site relevant to the Lock and Key hypothesis
The Lock and key hypothesis supports that the active site of an enzyme is an exact fit to it's respective substrate
What is the product of changing a fat from unsaturated to saturated?
A hydrogenated fat
Why are potatoes high in starch?
Starch is used for energy storage in the roots of plants and potatoes are root vegetables
When the classic double helix diagram of DNA is show, what makes up the ladder? The backbone?
Complementary Base Pair, Sugar-Phosphate Backbone
Why are oils used for energy?
The combustion of hydrocarbons release a lot of energy and hydrocarbons are found in oils
Explain how Induced Fit is different than Lock and Key
While the Lock and Key supports and exact fit of the enzyme and substrate, the Induced Fit shows the enzyme changing slightly to conform to the substrate.
What does a double carbon bond in a fatty acid cause?
A double carbon bond causes a kink in it's shape. It also causes the fat to be unsaturated due to the fact that the number of hydrogen bonds is not maximized
Why is cellulose used in plant walls
Cellulose id formed by non-branched linear chains making it rigid and giving it structure
What complementary base pair is easier to unzip in DNA? Why?
The AT pair is easier. This is due to the fact that there are just two hydrogen bonds between them while CG has three.
Give 4 examples of carbon bonding patterns
Sheets, Tubes, Spherical, and Linear
How does a catabolic enzyme make it easier to break up molecules
When bonded to a catabolic enzyme, the reactant is stretched making it easier to broken apart.
What do animals (such as reindeer) use to store energy and why? Name at least seven of the original reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh.
Triglycerides are used. They have a three carbon backbone and three fatty acids branching off them. The hydrocarbons that make the fat store more energy than proteins and carbs. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Blitzen, Donner, Vixen, and Cupid
What are three main categories of carbs and how do plants use each?
The main categories of carbs are starch, cellulose, and glucose. They use starch as storage in their roots. They use cellulose to give themselves structure. They use glucose as immediate energy to preform necessary tasks such as cellular respiration.
What are two types of RNA and what do they do?
mRNA, rRNA. mRNA carries the message of the DNA out of the nucleus. the rRNA helps to read the message and then turn it to a protein