The location of Madagascar
Southern coast of Africa
Children can’t go to school due to_________
Child labor
Disease that has the highest death toll in Madagascar
MOMENTUM is an _____ that helps in Madagascar
Country compared to Madagascar
South Africa
Main language spoken in Madagascar
Women get pregnant around ____
15 to 40 years old
What is needed To solve Under 5 mortality rate
Nutrition and access to healthcare.
Name of the US organization currently helping in Madagascar
Movie mentioned
Dress code in women and men
Women- dresses/skirts with gathered shirts
Men- long shirts with shorts or pants
What country is the largest donor to Madagascar
United States
Red Island Restoration is a ________
Missionary Organization
The Madagascar virus that can be genetically inherited
Conditions of healthcare
Fragile health system, limited access, and unsanitary
Third leading cause of children death
Diarrheal disease
Madagascar’s current plan to combat maternal death
“Family planning 2030 initiative”
The U.S. provides _____ services to Madagascar
_____ provides rights to babies
Birth registration
Longitudinal zones
Central plateau, coastal strip in east, and zone of low plateaus and plains in the west
____% of children can complete secondary schooling
Name at least 3 strategies that are being used in Madagascar to stop mortality rates
Contraceptives, education, healthcare training, prenatal care, proper nutrition, financial support,
The US is the biggest bilateral donor giving $_____ to Madagascar
$440 million
Shape shown in slide show