Maddox’s Harry Potter house
What is Slytherin?
Maddox’s Best friend
Who is Laiya?
Maddox does this about every 2 days
What is painting her nails
Maddox gets exited about this every year they do it at school
What is musicals?
The genre Maddox listens to the most
What is Disney?
Maddox’s Favorite character
Who is Fred Weasley (or Harry Potter himself)
Maddox’s favorite color
What is blue?
Maddox recently got pretty good at this eye makeup factor recently
What is eye liner?
Maddox likes to do this with her family
What is camping?
Maddox owns this instrument from her brother
What is an acoustic guitar
Maddox’s favorite book
What is Harry Potter and the goblet of fire?
The number of siblings Maddox has
What is 4?
This takes 10 minutes for Maddox to do each morning
Curl her hair
Maddox’s favorite thing to do
Go shopping (with daddy’s money)
Maddox’s part in choir
What is alto?
Maddox is obsessed with this fandom that related to Harry Potter
Maddox really wanted this part in the musical
Who are Flotsam and Jetsam?
Maddox likes wearing this color jewelry best
What is gold?
Maddox used to do this sport before 6th grade
What is soccer?
Maddox’s favorite instrument
What is an electric guitar?
This character did not make it on the 2024 Olympic swim team
Who is Regulus black?
Maddox actually wants to be this when she grows up
Wha is a musician?
Maddox’s favorite nail polish brand
What is Sally Hansen good kind and pure?
Maddox is in this many clubs
What is 5
Maddox’s favorite song
What is synesthesia?