Classroom 2.0
Playground and lunch
MES Lion Cub

When you first come in to the classroom what should you do? (3 things)

What is...

1. say hello to me!

2. read the board for directions 

3. get your supply box and any supplies needed or get to a station

You missed class, now that you are back, what do you do?

What is... check to see what you missed, ask for notes and make a plan to get caught up with me!


How do we walk to specialists every time? (3 things)

What is... voices off, hands to self, facing forward


Someone is on the spika and you want to get on, what should you do?

What is...ask them for a turn and have them count the ABCs or count to 20 sec for them to finish their turn. 

You see a student at recess by themselves and looking a little down, what should you do?

What is... ask them to hand out with you and join your friends!


What are the expectations for transitions?

What is... quickly and quietly

Your teacher is taking notes and has asked you to do them color too. You just noticed your colored pencils are not sharp, but she is in the middle of instructing, what do you do?

What is... ask someone to share until there is available time to get them sharpened. 


You are at specialists, in general, what are the expectations?

What is... the same that would apply in class. No matter where you are or who you are with, the expectations we have for you do not change.


When you are done eating your lunch and have cleaned up, what should you do now? 

What is... sit quietly and talk to friends while you wait for instructions from the teachers


Someone is struggling in class and has spilled all of their supplies on the ground, what can you do to help?

What is... help them pick everything up unless there are people helping already. 


What are the expectations when you are called to zero? (5-4-3-2-1-0) (4 things)

What is...

1. voices off

2. pencils/ supplies down

3. eyes on speaker

4. ready to listen


You are assigned to sit next to someone and it is not working. You have tried to problem solve on your own, and you have tried to make it work, but it's still a problem. What do you do?

What is... ask for a private time to meet with your teacher to explain the situation and see what solution we can come up with together!


You are at library and you already have a book and are not checking anything out. What do you do?

What is...let Ms. Vroman know you already have a book and then sit and read one of the books quietly at your table while everyone else checks out. 

A friend wants your Nutella sandwich and you aren't that hungry anyways, what should you do?

What is... do not share food because you never know who may have an allergy. Plus if you share with one person, others may want your delicious sandwich too!


Someone is talking bad about a person in class, what should you do. 

What is... tell them that it is not kind or respectful to say those things. If it continues get an adult. 


You have missed 4 days of school, how many days do you have to catch up on your assignments and notes?

What is... 4 days (plus a weekend usually)


You accidentally broke something in class and you are afraid you are going to get in trouble, what do you do? 

What is... always immediately tell the teacher so it can either be fixed or thrown away. Honestly is always the best policy and if it was an accident, you will never get in trouble! 


You are in PE and someone is not being a good sport on your team, how can you show them what a team player acts like? (pick 2)

What is...

1.cheer on your team

2. cheer on the other team

3. compromise

4. show how happy you are to be playing even if you aren't winning

5. encourage them individually


The bell has rang and you were in the middle of a kickball game. What should you do? Name the 3 things

What is...

1. immediately stop the game

2. get all equipment put away

3. hustle back to class


There is a lot of drama outside of school with a group of people you hang out with on a regular basis. What expectations do we have of you at school and in the classroom?

What is... make sure you are following all MES expectations of being respectful, responsible and safe. Keep drama at the door whenever possible. 


When you are working on a project with a partner what are the expectations? (list 4)

What is...

1. work productively the entire time

2. remember it is not a time to socialize

3. put in the effort 

4. don't let your partner down

5. split the work fairly

6. compromise if an issue arises

7. be helpful and useful

8. use your time wisely


It is the end of the day, list 4 things you should be doing to help clean up?

What is...

1. not socializing

2. putting away all supplies nicely

3. cleaning quickly and quietly

4. tidying up the room in general

5. lining up tables

6. getting backpack quietly

7. using time wisely


You are in music and you are not a huge fan of the song, what do you NOT do? (list 2) (terrible wrong answers only) What do you actually do? (list 2)

(not do)-What is...

1. shout across the room that the song is awful

2. start crying and rolling on the floor

3. talk to your friend loud enough to cancel out the music

4. run away

(actually do)-What is...

1. listen and sing along anyways because it is only a few minutes of your life


You are playing basketball and there is an issue with students making game plans outside of school to always win. You notice they keep teaming up at recess and you notice it is really upsetting everyone. Before it becomes and bigger issue what can you do? List 3 things. 

What is...

1. talk to them and count off players

2. explain to them that it is frustrating people and you don't want to lose the sport at recess

3. ask an adult to help mediate a solution


If someone is picking on another person at recess and it seems like it is getting out of hand, what expectations do we have of you, to help?

What is...If it is getting out of hand, get an adult immediately.