How do we travel in the hallway?
Walking feet
Thinking about Madison's 3 R's, what is the most important one to follow when working with people in class?
Being respectful!
When taking notes "Anything I write...."
You write!
If I did not get my lunch or need something, like ketchup, what do I do?
Raise your hand quietly
How should you line up to go into specialists (Art and Music specifically)? (hint there are 3 things)
In a straight line, facing forward, voices off
What should your voice level be in the hallway?
When you have a question or comment what must you do if it is during instruction?
Raise 'yo hand!
If you are stuck or don't know something what should you do other than sit there? (There are 3 things)
1. check the board for instructions
2. Ask a friend for help
3. Ask a teacher to help
Why is it not safe to share food?
You never know what kind of allergy or reaction someone could have to what you give them, plus, Covid, Ew!
What is vitally important in P.E. and why?
Safety! It is super important in P.E to be safe with your bodies and equipment so no one gets hurt. You are playing in a small space with a lot of moving objects.
What side of the hallway should you walk on?
The right side
What are at least 3 ways you can be a good community member in class?
Participate, listen and follow directions, be a respectful friend (no obnoxious noises or talking when others are trying to work), working hard, being polite and respectful etc.
When we have a special guest or an in-class field trip, what are the expectations and why?
Be responsible, respectful and really really safe because we are setting an example for Madison and showing them how awesome we are!
When in the lunchroom what should your volume be? What should you not do?
Your volume should be at a normal talking voice with no shouting or obnoxious noises (screeching, screaming, etc.)
Where do we sit in library and what is expected from me if I am not checking out?
Sit at your number and if you are not checking out you can silently read the books on the table, making sure to put them back where you got them when you are done?
When coming back from band of orchestra what are the 3 main things we expect from you in the hallway?
Voices off, hands and instrument to self and walking feet the entire way
If you see someone struggling what are some things you can do to help?
Offer to help them, see if they want a friend to hang out with, give them a positive word of encouragement, help re-explain if needed... etc.
If you are struggling with homework what should you do and when?
Ask for help from a teacher before it is due!
As recess when playing on a team what expectations should you follow?
Have good sportsmanship, be inclusive, don't argue about things that we can brush off, keep hands to self, be responsible with equipment etc.
No matter where you go or what the expectations are, how should you represent our class? (3 things)
Responsibly, respectfully and really really safe
When entering the building at the beginning of the day or when leaving at the end of the day, what are the expectations you should follow and WHY?
Hands to self, walking feet and voices off because people are working in the pod and in other areas you may be walking by.
If you miss school what is your responsibility?
Check your "while you were out folder" and make sure you get any missed notes from your teacher.
When a teacher says 5,4,3,2,1 what is expected of you? (hint there are 4)
Pencil/ markers down, eyes on speaker, voices off and frozen ready to listen.
If there is a serious issue at recess when should it be addressed and who should you talk to?
Right away and to the recess teacher on duty
Why is it so important to be on our best behavior during specialists? List at least 2 reasons.
We are representing our class, our teacher, ourselves and our community every time we leave the classroom. We want to be able to enjoy specialists and we want the teachers to know how awesome we are too!