Important People
Major Battles/ engagements of 1812
Elections of 1808 or 1812
Fun Facts!

Who was the president during the War of 1812, and what did he do during this time? 

Who is James Madison who sought peace but promised war if Britain did not cease seizure of American goods and vessels. Madison was nominated for president on the Democratic Republican side in May 1812.


What group captured Fort Mackinac in July 1812?

Who is the British. Captured by British forces on July 17, 1812. The location of the fort was critical in access to the Great lakes and trade routes, which was why it was so desirable.


The political party of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison:

What were the Democratic-Republicans? Madison was nominated for president on the Democratic Republican side in May 1812. The Mayor of New York, DeWitt Clinton and former US senator was a final resort of choices proposed in New England and Virginia by the failing Federalist Party.


What was an agreement between British and American forces to end the war?

What was the The Treaty of Ghent which on Christmas Eve 1814, the British and American forces came to an agreement to end the war and returned to pre-war territorial claims. No side came out stronger after the Treaty. 


Who in Congress pushed for war with Britain?  

Who are the War Hawks. They changed the Embargo Act, and it allowed trade for all countries other than France and Britain. 


How many casualties did the Garrisons face at the attack at fort Dearborn?

What is 26 soldiers. Was attacked by the Native Americans on August 15, 1812. The Garrisons faced many casualties during the attempt to capture the fort from the Native Americans.


The successor of Jefferson that ran for president in 1808? 

Who is James Madison. Madison won the southern and western states, with 128 electoral votes, this was an election completed by James Madison and DeWitt Clinton, occurring alongside the War of 1812.


What  were the Federalists planned to succeed, but then lost their national influence?

What were the reasons for and the significance of the Hartford Convention, which before the end of the War of 1812, radical federalists in the New England region were calling for secession. Delegates in New England met in Hartford, Connecticut. While they denied the separation, they did agree that there should be a ⅔ vote in both houses to decide if the country should go to war. When the Victory of New Orleans was revealed, Federalists criticisms stopped. 


Who was an 1812 war hero that became president and what did he do? 

Who is Andrew Jackson. He led his troops through enemy territory to victory in several tide-turning clashes, namely the Battle of New Orleans and its defining day on January 8, 1815. 


What was the result of the British forces invading Washington D.C.?

What is it exposed the U.S. capital's vulnerability? British forces invaded Washington D.C. on August 24, 1814. This resulted in a significant amount of humiliation for the United States because it exposed their capital's vulnerability with the burning of the capital. 


Who was Madison's opponent in the election of 1812?

Who is DeWitt Clinton. Clinton won much of the North, due to them being anti-war, losing with only 89 electoral votes. 


A battle fought between the US and Tribes under Tecumseh, and its importance? 

What is the Battle of Tippecanoe. It was a battle fought between General William Harrison and united tribes under Tecumseh east of the Mississippi river in 1811. This prompted Tecumseh to ally remaining forces with Great Britain in the upcoming War of 1812.


The defeat of this dictator helped the British free up its military? 

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte. A Frenchman who pushed the United States closer to war with Britain. 


What was a crucial battle taken place on September 11, 1814?

What is the Battle of Pistburg. The battle of Pittsburgh took place on September 11, 1814.  The battle took place between American forces and the British fleet, securing the Americans control over the Northern border.


Who was the loser of the election of 1808?

Who is Charles Pinckney. Madison, the republican candidate, ran and won against federalist charles pinckney with 122 electoral votes. Jefferson had chosen Madison as his successor, being his friend and fellow Virginian, as well as the fact both came from a rich plantation awning family.


What allowed trade with France and Britain unless one of them acknowledged US sovereignty?  

What was Macon’s Bill Number Two. Intended to force Britain and France to cease intercepting American merchant ships during the Napoleonic Wars.


General that won at the Battle of Tippecanoe? 

Who is General William Henry Harrison. After a series of attacks by Tecumseh, Harrison led a force of one thousand men, composed mostly of militia and volunteers, to the Indian settlement at Tippecanoe.


What battle was considered the last major war?

What is the Battle of New Orleans. The battle of New Orleans took place on January 8 1815, and was considered the last major war. American forces had claimed victory over Britain after the treaty of Ghent.


What was the main source of disdain against Madison at the time of the 1808 election? 

What is the embargo act of 1807. Jefferson and Madison had worked on the embargo act of 1807- a foreign policy system that had bad effects on the economy- and the federalist party used its failure as a weapon in the election for Anti-Madison propaganda.


What changed the Embargo Act, and it allowed trade for all countries other than France and Britain? 

What is the Non-Intercourse Act of March 7, 1809.