Grade maeve got her first kiss
What is 7th grade
What is birds
Color of phone
What is blue
Fake Maeve’s name
What is kayla
Location where maeve had her kiss
what is the movies
Camp counselor name
What is Minnie
What Animal was her 1st pet
What is dog
Snap username
Position in yearbook
What is editor in chief
Sport maeve did before volleyball
What is swimming
Friend falling out maeve had early freshman year
who is Brandon maggert
Favorite animal
What is turtles
Layton’s contact name in her phone
What is momma layton
Name of first yearbook maeve was in charge of
What is Picking Up The Pieces
Favorite condiment
What is chick fil a sauce
Flavor maeve hates
What is mint
Go to food
What is chicken tenders
Pinned on messages
Who is Hannah and nathalia
Class that maeve skips the most because of “yearbook”
What is gov/Econ
What high school did Marlene attend
What is cathedral catholic
Kindergarten teacher
Who is Ms.Ferguson
Name of first pet
What is boss
What is LACSON (522766)
Appliances maeve purchased for yearbook
What is fridge and microwave
4207 Mt Longs Dr