When selecting Work Unit Codes (WUC's) for a component, what should you do if you are unsure of which one to pick?



What is Transaction Code 12 used for?

On-Equip Work with Failed Parts Documented in H-Z


If I am signing a removal MAF and it is grayed out, what do I do?

Ensure your Transaction Code is correct to reflect a removal, remove and replace, etc. If there are still issues or you are unsure, consult Maintenance Control & AZ's.


Is the WUC "1000000" acceptable to select when you are selecting a component on the Aircraft?

NO. 1000000 is the WUC for the whole Aircraft. DO NOT list the whole Aircraft when selecting a WUC for a component.


When selecting Transaction Code 12, What MUST be added on the MAF with it?

The Engine being worked on MUST be indexed in the Material Required section. You will get an error if it is not.


Does it matter if the WUC is correct after initial initiation of a MAF so long as It is not being signed off yet while it is still in work?

Yes. If you select a WUC you are not 100% sure on, and then are trying to later remove and install parts on the MAF, OOMA saves what what the WUC was and makes it harder to change later on. The remove and Install blocks will not correctly populate.


If I am replacing hydraulic fluid on a system, is it acceptable to use the WUC "45000" For Hydraulic Systems on a MAF? 

NO. Be more specific. We need the WUC of the area that you are specifically working on.


Is a Transaction code "12" and Action Taken code "C" authorized? 

No. If you are selecting "12" as the necessary Transaction code, Action Taken code "C" is not applicable/authorized.


If the remove or install block does not populate the correct part needing to be removed/installed, can I just type in the correct serial number and part number in the blocks?

No. This messes up the tables in OOMA. Contact the AZ's.


If I am selecting a WUC and there are two WUC's that are the same, does it matter which one I pick?

YES. If you are unsure because they look the same to you, they're not. Ask the AZ's if you are unsure. 


I am selecting Transaction Code "25" for a removal but I am getting an error when I am selecting Action Taken "P" for Removal. Is OOMA just acting up and I am correct or is this incorrect?

Transaction Code 25 is for "Removal/Replacement of Defective Repairable Comp from Engine". If you are using this Transaction Code, you MUST be replacing a repairable component, not just remove only. Also using this Transaction Code is for Engine specifically.


I have a part that shows it is installed on the #1 position in the tree that I am removing, but physically it is located in the #2 spot. Can I just select the WUC for the #1 even though I am removing #2 and sign the remove block off that way?

No. This not only messes up the tree in OOMA but loses data integrity. Contact the AZ's to get the issue rectified.


I have selected the correct WUC for the Maintenance Action I am documenting. Is that all that needs to be done when selecting the WUC? 

No. If you are sure that you found the correct WUC for the component that you are documenting, you need to be sure that the WUC you are selecting has the correct EOC code attached to it (If it is a partial). If you are unsure what EOC code it needs to be for that WUC when selecting, ask Maintenance Control.


A pilot/aircrew wrote up a discrepancy for a light not illuminating from a switch. Upon further look, It seems they just did not press the switch for it to illuminate. Signing the MAF off I put Action Taken Code "A" for No repair Required and MAL Code "799" for No Defect- Malfunction could not be duplicated, Item checks good. Is this correct, yes or no?

NO. Action taken code "A" and MAL Code "799" are NEVER allowed! Maintenance is still being done by investigating and touching/operating on the discrepancy stated. It can be Action taken "A" and a different MAL Code or 799 MAL code with a different Action Taken Code, but A-799 is NEVER authorized!!


I am the CDI about to sign off the remove/install block. Am I good to sign after verification?

Yes.. and no. You as the CDI are the main line of screening/verification before the MAF gets sent to Maintenance Control. You must ensure all serial numbers and part numbers are correct on the install and remove blocks because once your signature is signed for, there are things on those blocks that even the AZ's wont be able to fix and we will have to wait on a NAVY 311 ticket to be completed.