Where did the girls go for mariyas bachelorette?
San Antonio, Texas
"why did sabertooth expire"
Alvina Borishkevich
who attended Highline for 1 quarter?
Roman Arkhipchuk
Where does Cristina work?
Airport, port of Seattle
what is the name of Dennis wedding band?
Groove Co
where did mafia go for 2020 new years
Vancouver, Washington
"Bee's evolved from Ants"
Edward Derkach
When is Mark and Alina getting married? *month day year*
August 16, 2024
What restaurant did Mariya work at?
Poodle Dog
What did Mark and Alina do for a first date?
Where did mafia go for 2021 new years
Normandy Park, Washington (Alinas house)
"I thought a highway was a freeway that went down hill"
Mariya Huk
What are the Dates Mafia went to Arizona? *month days year*
June 20, 2020 - June 25, 2020
Who Travels outside the state for work? (2)
Dennis & victor
What was the first hangout Vanessa had with mafia?
Din Thai Fung
how many states did Vitaliy travel to?
"Fish Come Out of Cows"
Vitaliy Huk
When did Vitaliy propose to Mariya? *month day year*
February 28, 2021
Who worked at a makeup department store, and which one?
Vanessa, Ulta
who has the most instagram followers
Lily Vinnichuk
Vitaliy and Valera got something stolen in Hawaii, what was it?
"There's 3 months left in September"
Alina Petrik
what year did Cristina move to the US? * month and year*
November 2016
What was Alinas first job?
Cactus Club Tanning Salon
Tanyas favorite animal?