Lessons 1-2
Lessons 3-4
Lessons 5-6
Lessons 7-8
Lesson 9
Which is COMPLETE? A set of every Junie B. Jones book. A set of colored pencils that has no blue.
A set of every Junie B. Jones book.
Something you can FORECAST is: yesterday's lunch, how well you will do on the level test, the name of your future pet, the President of the United States in 1896, the taste of a sandwich you ate three weeks ago.
how well you will do on the level test
If you GLIMPSE something, you: see it, hit it, write it, smack it hard, frame it.
see it
Something you want to SEIZE is: an aircraft, a delicious sandwich, the water of the Nile, Egyptian pyramids, sharp slivers of glass, the President of the United States,
a delicious sandwich
Something SCARCE is: Something scary, something that tastes great, something that is rare, something dancing, something that can't be eaten.
something that is rare
What is something you could not DEVELOP: A strange disease. Good English skills. Photographs. A pet dog. Strong leg muscles.
A pet dog.
You might do this to something you CHERISH: hit it, hug it, destroy it, break it, yank it, ignore it, kick it.
Hug it
This is a DRAB color: bright pink, safety orange, dust brown, carnival purple, fire red.
Dust brown
You can get this from a QUARRY: chicks, regolith, sand, rocks, ice cream, tacos, very bad-smelling food, grapes.
When you feel MISGIVINGS, you feel: bad presents someone you dislike gave you, worried, a melting ice cream, a dessert, a desert, very soft.
It's impossible to CALCULATE: how big the earth is, 88+9, an essay, the amount of money you owe a restaurant, how fast a bird flies.
an essay
If something is DESTRUCTIVE, it can: fix your car, be part of a delicious lunch, laugh loudly, break something, water your plants, teach you the best way to plant a flower.
break something
Another word for ENTIRE is: Bean, careful, progress, entropy, complete, refine, perfection, peer, fallacy.
If you're in the INTERIOR, you're in: A moon, the inside of something, a tent during a music festival, a friend's body, total darkness.
the inside of something
When there is a HOST of mice: there is a party, there are many mice, the mice hop up and down quickly, the mice feed a Queen Mouse, everyone's happy.
there are many mice
If food DECAYS: it becomes more delicious, it starts to smell strange, it gets up and dances around the room, it travels from place to place.
It starts to smell strange
Something that is ACTIVE: can't write well, moves a lot, helps heal many penguins' wings, always eats dinner, cleans his or her body well.
moves a lot
Someone who EXCLAIMS can: fix many mistakes, wake someone who is sleeping, draw a picture of a duck very well, make a smartphone dance, train mice to sing wonderful songs.
wake someone who is sleeping
When you DESCEND, you: go up, go sideways, go through a special doorway, go down, race a chicken to the finish, eat a chicken.
go down
If you are PARCHED: your parents are happy, you do well on your test, you prepared yourself well for camping, you want to drink some juice, you are wearing a silly hat, you are wearing an appropriate dress.
you want to drink some juice
The CLIMATE of a place can AFFECT: The clothes you wear, your test scores, how well you speak English, the amount of food your pet wants to eat.
The clothes you wear
If you are FAMISHED, you want to do this.
Eat food
This is one thing you can ACHIEVE: ownership of many racehorses, making many mistakes, a good score on a test, laughing loudly, making many strange clocks.
a good score on a test
If you SCURRY, you: do well on your test, make a small hole, move quickly, arrange your plates and cups nicely, dress well.
move quickly
Another word for ASTONISH is: blinkful, wondrous, surprise, attitude, well-being, campy.