Two life is not that bad for this mono black staple instant
What is infernal grasp?
You know it you love it, best card in the format today.
What is sol ring?
She is featured as a creature similar to lotus cobra
Who is Nissa?
Strictly better Counterspell
What is mana drain?
2 damage is not a real drawback for this baby
What is ancient tomb?
Hope they’re not playing landfall when you use this bad boy on their commander
What is path to exile?
Great in multi-color decks but relies on opponents sometimes a little too much.
What is fellwar stone?
This walker really likes spicing things up
Who is Chandra?
great 2 drop that draws cards
What is arcane denial?
Mono-color decks absolutely love this more than any other
What is nykthos?
As far as 4 for 1’s go, this is nearly unbeatable
What is Decimate?
Super underrated 3 drop in 5 color decks on a budget
What is chromatic lantern?
This jund walker is currently dead
Who is lord wind grace?
One mana stone rain
What is stifle?
Blue wishes it still had this card’s equivalent legal in commander
What is Gaea’s cradle?
Exiling is definitely out of the ordinary here but I’ll take it for 2 holyyyyyy
What is reality shift?
The original colorless ramp goat for 4
What is thran dynamo?
This guy is mostly green except that time he got cursed.
Who is garruk?
Strictly worse mana drain
What is spell swindle?
The original progenitor of marit lace
What is dark depths?
6 in one combo meals are not for the faint of heart, although this rarely chooses every mode.
One of The most expensive rock money can buy, but will pay you back in more ways than one. Including cards
What is chromatic orrery?
This guy’s most popular card is great as a versatile board wipe
The most chaotic counter to ever do it
What is tibalt’s trickery?
Good luck countering this, said the green enjoyer
What is boseiju who endures?