Penn Medicine
Professional Practice
Shared Governance
Nursing Leadership

What is the Pennsylvania Hospital Professional Practice Model?

Care, Lead, Innovate


What is CARE?

Career Advancement Recognition of Excellence, PAH’s Career Advancement Program. Clinical Nurses can advance from CN1 to CN4. Application and portfolio review process by the CARE Committee.


Name your unit council chair and members of the unit council committee.

Brianna and Jarrett


What is the name of the Clinical Director for this unit? Who is our Chief Nursing Officer?

Deb Drayton

Melissa Zak


What professional development opportunities are available to you?

Tuition Reimbursement, Professional Development Fund - $600 given yearly for conferences and educational opportunities, Grand Rounds, Nursing Professional Fellowship Program, Certification Review Courses, National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Association Conferences Scholarship


How are nurses recognized for exceptional care at Pennsylvania Hospital?

Nurses Week Celebrations, Care Lead Innovate Awards, Daisy Awards, Penn Medicine Clinical Excellence Awards, Penn Medicine Quality and Patient Safety Awards, Josie King Hero Awards, Clinical Advancement-CARE program, Unit Based Recognition, PM Report Difference Makers


What are the PAH Shared Governance Core Councils?

Quality & Safety, Night Council, Patient Experience, Professional Excellence, Nursing Practice Council, Nurse Manager Council, Shared Governance Advisory Council (all Unit Council Chairs), Nursing Shared Governance Leadership Council (Core Council Chairs)


What are your resources for ethical issues in your practice?

Ethics Committee, Ethics Consults, Nursing leadership, NACs, Palliative Care, Chaplain, Social Work/ Clinical Resource Managers


How do you maintain nursing competencies?

Ongoing Competency Cycle (Donna Wright Model), Knowledge Link modules, Unit-Based competencies with demonstration and validation


Where can you find our nursing quality data posted?

On our magnet board, shared governance board, or safety huddle board


Who are our unit representatives on the Shared Governance Core Councils?

Night Council- Mike D

Patient Experience- Yvette and Mia

Practice council- Jesly and Jamie

Professional Excellence - Dominique and Arrianne

Quality and Safety- Laura and Brigitte


How do we measure patient satisfaction for patients admitted to the hospital?

Press Ganey HCAHPS survey


How do we practice peer review at Pennsylvania Hospital?

Two Nursing Peer Evaluations are completed annually with the performance appraisal. The clinical nurse chooses one nurse peer reviewer and the other is chosen by the nurse manager. Other forms of peer review: safety stories, bedside report, chart audits, debriefing


What are the components of the Magnet Model?

Transformational Leadership, Structural Empowerment, Exemplary Professional Practice, New Knowledge and Innovations, and Empirical Outcomes.


Who is the Nursing Shared Governance Leadership Council Chair and Co-Chair?

Nursing Shared Governance Leadership Council Chair is Tessa Monaghan from 5CC/Sch.


What is the model for care delivery/care delivery model at Pennsylvania Hospital?

Modified Primary Nursing - RNs are responsible and accountable for coordinating and integrating the care of each patient during each encounter. Nurses should give an example of how they are the patient’s primary nurse during their shift or encounter with the patient.