History of Magnet Recognition
Components of Magnet Recognition
The Magnet Designation Process
Magnet Criteria
Benefits of Magnet Recognition

This hospital, the first to achieve Magnet status in 1994, set the standard for excellence in nursing.

Answer: What is the University of Washington Medical Center?


Clue: This component of the Magnet Model focuses on the role of nursing leadership in setting a vision for the organization. 

Answer: What is "Transformational Leadership"?


Clue: This is the first step in the Magnet designation process, involving an internal self-assessment.

Answer: What is the "Magnet Application" process?


Clue: A hospital must demonstrate this kind of nursing leadership to be eligible for Magnet status.

Answer: What is "Transformational Leadership"?


Clue: Achieving Magnet status helps improve the rate at which registered nurses stay employed by a healthcare organization over a period of time.

Answer: What is "Nurse Retention"?


Clue: The Magnet Recognition Program was created by this organization, which focuses on nursing excellence.

Answer: What is the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)?


Clue: The component that looks at the structure and processes that ensure quality nursing care across the organization is known as this.

Answer: What is "Exemplary Professional Practice"?


Clue: This is the second step in the Magnet process, which involves a site visit by a team of Magnet appraisers.

Answer: What is the "Site Visit"?


lue: This term refers to the active involvement of nurses in hospital decision-making processes, which is crucial for Magnet recognition.

Answer: What is "Shared Governance"?


Clue: Hospitals with Magnet recognition tend to experience this type of patient outcome improvement, particularly related to safety and satisfaction.

Answer: What is "Better/Improved Patient Outcomes"?


Clue: In this year, the Magnet Recognition Program was first launched.

Answer: What is 1990?


Clue: This component addresses how well nurses in Magnet hospitals are supported in their professional growth through education and training.

Answer: What is "New Knowledge, Innovation, and Improvements"?


Clue: The Magnet designation is good for how many years, after which the organization must apply for re-designation.  

Answer: What is four years?


Clue: Magnet hospitals must have this type of system in place to support ongoing professional development for nurses.

Answer: What is "Continuing Education"?


Clue: This term refers to the reduced costs for hospitals, particularly related to turnover, seen in organizations that achieve Magnet status.

Answer: What is "Cost Efficiency"?


Clue: The Magnet Recognition Program was inspired by this concept, which was created to identify organizations with exceptional nursing care.

Answer: What is the "Magnet Model"?


Clue: This component ensures that nurses work in a healthy, supportive, and empowering environment, fostering collaboration and respect.

Answer: What is "Structural Empowerment"?


Clue: This is the document hospitals must submit to demonstrate how they meet the standards for Magnet recognition.

Answer: What is the "Magnet Document"?


Clue: This type of research activity is a key requirement for Magnet hospitals, promoting evidence-based practice.

Answer: What is "Nursing Research"?


Clue: Nurses in Magnet hospitals report greater professional fulfillment, as these organizations provide a supportive work environment, opportunities

Answer: What is "Job Satisfaction"?


Clue: The year the study "Magnet Hospitals: Attraction and Retention of Professional Nurses" was published by the American Academy of Nursing (AAN), which identified characteristics of healthcare organizations that excelled in recruiting and retaining registered nurses.

Answer: What is 1983?


Clue: This component evaluates the hospital’s patient outcomes and the quality of nursing care provided.

Answer: What is "Empirical Outcomes"?


Clue: The Magnet Recognition Program requires hospitals to maintain this after initial designation to ensure continued excellence.

Answer: What is "Re-designation"?


Clue: Mount Sinai's professional practice model which guides our nursing practice.

 Answer: What is "Relationship-Centered Care"?


Clue: Nurses in Magnet-designated hospitals are more likely to feel this way about their work environment, as compared to non-Magnet hospitals.

Answer: What is "Empowered"?