Attract and Repel
Two Poles
Negative and Positive
Its Shocking
Invisible Fields
When do two magnets attract? 

When the opposite poles (north and south) face each other


This is where the attractive strength of a magnet is greatest.

The poles


Objects with an equal number of protons (positive charges) and electrons (negative charges) have what type of overall charge?

Neutral Charge


The buildup of electrical charge on material is called _______.

Static Electricity


The invisible field around a magnet is called what?

Magnetic Field


When do magnets repel?

When two of the same poles face each other (like north and north or south and south)


A compass points to which pole?

The magnetic north pole


If object A has a negative charge, and it attracts object B, that means object B has what type of charge? 

Positive Charge


What kind of electricity involves a build up of electrons (negative charges)?

Static electricity


Iron fillings placed around a magnet can help show us what?

The size and shape of the magnets magnetic field


What happens to the attraction of two magnets as the get farther away from each other?

The attraction between them becomes weaker


When a magnet is cut in half, what happens?

Two new magnets with a north and south pole are created


When one part of a balloon is rubbed with wool, the wool gives up electrons to the balloon. The balloon will cling to other objects because it has a _________.

Negative Charge


How does static electricity help a balloon stick to the wall?

All the negative charges in the balloon attract to the positives in the wall, and repel the negative in the wall


The Earth's magnetic field helps protect us from what? 

Harmful sun rays and solar winds


Elizabeth has a glass rod, heated rubber, frozen plastic, and an iron nail. Which object is attracted to a bar magnet.

The iron nail


How does density (thickness) of a nonmagnetic object affect the strength of two magnets?

The move dense an object between two magnets, the weaker the strength of the magnets.


A neutral object that gains more electrons than protons now has what type of charge?

Negative charge


Why to the hairs on our head stand up after rubbing a balloon on our head?

All the electrons (negative charges) have been transferred to the balloon and our hair is now positively charged and trying to reach the balloon.


The Earth's magnetic field is powered by what?

The liquid iron and nickel moving around the solid inner core of the Earth.


Two objects have collected static electricity with the same charge. What would the objects do when placed near each other?

They repel each other 


How does the magnetic field of a magnet connect its two Poles?

There is an invisible oval going from the north pole around to the south pole


If an object has 8 protons and 10 electrons, what type of charge should the object have?

A negative charge


What causes our clothes to stick together when coming out of the dryer?

As the clothes rub together static charge is created between the clothes, causing protons (positive charges) to move to onto one side of our clothes and electrons (negative charges)to move to the other side. The opposite charges attract together like magnets


When the solar winds of interact with the Earth's magnetic field, what is created as a result?

The Auroras, or the Northern and Southern Lights