The World
The Globe
Our Planet
Land, air & H20
These are the 5 themes of geography
1. location 2. place 3. movement 4. human & environmental interaction 5. region
the area of the world north of the equator, name a country there
What is the northern hemisphere
a.The earth is a _______ b.The sun is a ________ c. We are in the ________ galaxy
a. planet b. start c. milky way
All the continents were once combined and called ______ This helps explain the ___________ theory
a. pangea b. plate tectonics (continental drift)
What is the difference between weather and climate? Give an example of each
Weather is whats happening at the moment (rainy) Climate is an average temp over time (usually hot and humid in the summer, btwn Juney and August)
this term refers to the study of the earth, our home
What is geography
the areas of the world south of the equator, name a country there
What is the southern hemisphere
a. the path that the earth takes around the sun ____ b. one complete "path" around the sun is called a ____ c. it takes _____ day(s) or ___yr(s) for the earth to go around the sun
a. orbit b. revolution c. 365 1/4 1
What are the 4 different types of landforms?
mountains, hills plateaus plains
What are the different climate regions and describe each one and their location
tropical, dry, mild, continental, polar
This theme refers to the finding of a location on a map
What are the pro's and con's to using a flat map
flat maps are always somewhat distorted, but we can easily cary them with us, even though they are distorted they are still pretty accurate
As the earth "travels" around the sun, it also is ______________ Demonstrate this!
rotating on an axis
Explain why continents move? How they move? What is the effect of continents moving?
Under the earth's crust, is magma, and the land "floats"above the magma, the plates slowly shift/move either closer together, farther apart, or side by side causing earthquakes and tsunamis
When referring to wind, a.what happens to hot air, and what happens to cold air? b. how do the ocean's current effect weather?
a. hot air rises and cold air sinks and fills in the open areas b. cold air from the ocean keeps the land cool during the day and hot air from the ocean keeps land warm at night. areas not around the ocean have a dramatic fluctuation in temp.
Lines of latitude and longitude
east-west circles around the globe-parallels north-south circles that meet at the north and south
how has the birth rate and death rate changed in the last 4 decades
Why do we have seasons? Explain what happens in the northern hemisphere vs the southern hemisphere
The earth's axis causes the earth to get different amounts of sunlight through out the earth's orbit...when the northern hem is facing the sun, it is summer, so the southern hem is facing away from the sun, so its winter. The opposite hem are always in opposite seasons
what is the atmosphere?
a thick layers of special gases that can't escape earth oxygen, carbon dioxide, heat blanket
what vegetation takes place in each climate zone: tropical, dry, moderate, continental, polar
tropical: rainforest dry: plants grow far apart, shallow roots moderate: wide variety continental: grasslands and forests polar:mosses, lichens
what are the 7 continents and the 4 oceans
North American, South America, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, Australia, Africa Indian, Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic
If you were going camping in a park, What is the difference between a road map that gets you there, and the park's map?
The road map gives you directions to the park, but the park map shows you all the roads and attractions with in the park that a road map wouldn't provide.
Explain where low, middle and high latitudes are and the climate that goes with them
Low latitude 30 degrees n & s of the equator and received the most sunlight-always hot Middle lat, is btwn 30 degrees and 60 degrees north and south of the equator, receiving less direct sunlight-seasons High lat. is btwn 60 & 90 n & s of the equator-very little sunlight-always cold
What forces on the earth' surface break down rocks?
weathering, erosion
As you climb a mountain you notice a difference in vegetation, what is this called?
Vertical Climate