How many students total do we have in our classroom?
Name 3 Hallway expectations
- Walking
- Not touching bulletin boards
- Staying on the correct side of the hallway
- Voices off (even if another class is talking)
- Keeping your hands to yourself
Which is the only animal that is able to carry over 5,000 times its own body weight?
An Ant
What is Ms. Robin's dog's name?
If I am a student and need something that I don't have, where is the first place I should look BEFORE asking?
Student Supply Station
After you unpack your belongings, what is the first thing you should do?
Put your cellphone away
When your morning work is done, what is the next thing you should do?
Get a book to silent read at your desk
When mixed together, what color does orange and purple make?
What is Miss. Mahany's puppy's name?
What is our first class reward for reading over the month?
A movie and potentially a special treat
What are the 2 bulletin boards that should be done every morning called?
Attendance Board and Lunch Count
Name 2 expectations we have for you when playing outside for recess?
- No running on the wood chips
- Keeping your hands and feet to yourself
What is the name of the dachshund in the Disney film, Toy Story?
What year did Miss. Mahany graduate High School?
If you grab a leveled book from our classroom library shelf, where does it go when you're done with it?
Could be a 2 part question if you were truly paying attention yesterday :)
Back in the same letter bin in which you found it
if it's in the wrong bin, you put it in the correct one
If you need to leave the room, what's the first thing you should do?
ASK... duh
If you haven't finished your work during the allowed time, WHERE does it go? AND WHEN do you have to complete it?
In our manila folders on the tall cabinet (Owed Work Spot) and it has to get done during recess :( BOO
How many wings do dragonfly's have?
What are BOTH of Ms. Robin's daughter's names?
Harper and Clara
When do your parents need to sign your reading log?
When do your teachers check your reading log?
Parent Signature needs to be done at the end of every week (Thursday night) and it will be checked on every Friday
What should you never get in? THINK HARD
Your teacher's bubble... not kidding
Yesterday, Miss. Mahany talked about getting materials out to use. How does she want them put away?
Like you found them, if not better
What is the name of the fish that helps Marlin cross the ocean to find Nemo?
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... DORY
If you could get Miss. Mahany a gift of any kind, what did she suggest yesterday?
A Gift Card to AMAZON... MY FAV
What needs to be completed every day?
Homework... I swear if y'all didn't get this...